Foundry Robots

Enhanc­ing Foundry Oper­a­tions with Robot­ic Automation

Rev­o­lu­tion­iz­ing Harsh Indus­tri­al Environments

Foundries, forge shops, steel mills, and auto­mo­tive plants are envi­ron­ments that demand resilience and pre­ci­sion. T.I.E. Indus­tri­al address­es these chal­lenges head-on by offer­ing an exten­sive array of both new and expert­ly refur­bished foundry robots from lead­ing man­u­fac­tur­ers like Fanuc, Motoman, KUKA, and ABB. Engi­neered to thrive in extreme con­di­tions, these robots bring increased safe­ty, pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, and effi­cien­cy to oper­a­tions tra­di­tion­al­ly known for their harsh work­ing conditions.

The Robust Nature of Foundry Robots

Foundry robots are built to endure the rig­ors of high-tem­per­a­ture envi­ron­ments, dust, chem­i­cals, and high-pres­sure sprays, mak­ing them indis­pens­able in mod­ern foundry oper­a­tions. Their design allows them to oper­ate reli­ably in con­di­tions that are chal­leng­ing or haz­ardous for human work­ers, thus enhanc­ing work­place safe­ty and oper­a­tional continuity.

Diverse Appli­ca­tions in Foundry Settings

The ver­sa­til­i­ty of foundry robots enables them to per­form a wide range of tasks, each crit­i­cal to the man­u­fac­tur­ing process:

  • Die-Cast­ing: Automat­ing the injec­tion of molten met­al into molds, increas­ing pre­ci­sion and reduc­ing cycle times.
  • Grav­i­ty-Cast­ing: Enhanc­ing the fill­ing process of molds with molten met­al, ensur­ing con­sis­tent qual­i­ty and output.
  • Sand-Cast­ing: Improv­ing mold prepa­ra­tion and cast­ing removal, stream­lin­ing one of the most tra­di­tion­al cast­ing processes.
  • Fin­ish­ing: Pro­vid­ing con­sis­tent and high-qual­i­ty fin­ish­ing oper­a­tions, includ­ing trim­ming, debur­ring, and polishing.
  • Water or Chem­i­cal Clean­ing: Ensur­ing thor­ough clean­ing of parts and com­po­nents, essen­tial for main­tain­ing prod­uct quality.
  • Forg­ing: Automat­ing the shap­ing of met­al using local­ized com­pres­sive forces, a task par­tic­u­lar­ly suit­ed for robots giv­en the extreme heat and phys­i­cal demands of the process.

Lead­ing Robot Mod­els for Foundry Applications

T.I.E. Indus­tri­al’s selec­tion of robots for foundry oper­a­tions includes mod­els renowned for their dura­bil­i­ty and performance:

  • Fanuc M‑2000iA: Known for its excep­tion­al pay­load capac­i­ty and reach, mak­ing it ide­al for han­dling large cast­ings and per­form­ing demand­ing tasks.
  • ABB IRB 7600: Offers robust con­struc­tion and ver­sa­tile per­for­mance, suit­able for a vari­ety of foundry appli­ca­tions, from cast­ing to finishing.
  • KUKA KR QUAN­TEC F Series: Designed specif­i­cal­ly for foundry envi­ron­ments, these robots pro­vide high resis­tance to heat and contaminants.
  • Motoman ES165D: Fea­tures high-speed oper­a­tion and pre­ci­sion, per­fect for fin­ish­ing tasks and han­dling small­er cast­ings with efficiency.

Cus­tomized Solu­tions for Foundry Efficiency

Under­stand­ing that each foundry oper­a­tion has unique require­ments, T.I.E. Indus­tri­al offers tai­lored robot­ic solu­tions. From sys­tem design and inte­gra­tion to end-of-arm-tool­ing cus­tomiza­tion, our team ensures each robot­ic sys­tem max­i­mizes pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and enhances the qual­i­ty of the final product.

Com­mit­ment to Qual­i­ty and Support

Whether choos­ing a new sys­tem or opt­ing for a recon­di­tioned mod­el, our clients ben­e­fit from full war­ranties, ded­i­cat­ed cus­tomer ser­vice, and com­pre­hen­sive tech sup­port. Each refur­bished foundry robot under­goes a rig­or­ous inspec­tion and refur­bish­ment process, guar­an­tee­ing per­for­mance that meets the high­est standards.

Trans­form­ing Foundry Oper­a­tions with Advanced Robotics

The inte­gra­tion of robot­ic tech­nol­o­gy into foundry oper­a­tions rep­re­sents a sig­nif­i­cant leap for­ward in man­u­fac­tur­ing effi­cien­cy and work­er safe­ty. With T.I.E. Indus­tri­al’s exper­tise and a wide selec­tion of robot­ic solu­tions, foundries can achieve unpar­al­leled lev­els of pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, qual­i­ty, and oper­a­tional safety.

Dis­cov­er the poten­tial of foundry robots to rev­o­lu­tion­ize your man­u­fac­tur­ing process­es. Vis­it Robots​.com for more infor­ma­tion and to explore our com­pre­hen­sive range of robot­ic solu­tions tai­lored to the unique chal­lenges of the foundry industry.