Giving Motoman Robots Sight with MotoSight 3D Spatial Vision

Jan 5, 2015

MotoSight 3D Cortex Vision can help increase speeds, object recognition, and overall accuracy on your production line. MotoSight 3D has the ability to train new parts in seconds, recognize a large number of objects, provide an easy-to-use interface, require minimal programming, and more. This comprehensive software is sure to boost the productivity and quality of work on your production line, contact experts today!


Robots are becom­ing even more capa­ble with the inte­gra­tion of 3D-Vision to fur­ther improve speed, object recog­ni­tion, and accu­ra­cy. Motoman Robot­ics answered to indus­try’s 3D vision demands with the Moto­Sight 3D Cor­texVi­sion. It is an easy-to-inte­grate, com­pre­hen­sive, and pow­er­ful vision sys­tem that sim­pli­fies the use of 3D vision in robot­ic guid­ance applications. 

Moto­sight 3D is ide­al for pre­cise part loca­tion required for assem­bly, rack­ing, dis­pens­ing, machine load­ing, prod­uct sort­ing, and weld­ing applications. 

Here are a few of the rea­sons your com­pa­ny should invest in Moto­sight 3D CortexVision:

  • The abil­i­ty to train new parts (sim­ple or com­plex) in seconds
  • The capa­bil­i­ty of rec­og­niz­ing a large num­ber of objects
  • No cam­era cal­i­bra­tion or pro­gram­ming required
  • There is a sim­ple point-and-click teach­ing guide
  • Auto-refine­ment pro­vides high accuracy
  • The inter­face is easy-to-use and sim­pli­fies part train­ing, even for com­plex parts
  • The col­or cam­era tech­nol­o­gy pro­vides addi­tion­al object detail

As an added bonus, set-up time is dra­mat­i­cal­ly reduced as the Moto­Sight 3D uti­lizes (GigE) tech­nol­o­gy with a con­ven­tion­al 2D cam­era (no spe­cial­ized lasers or sen­sors) that requires no cal­i­bra­tion due to advanced algo­rithms and unique recog­ni­tion of trained pat­terns. This cam­era will take sev­er­al pic­tures and then refine the posi­tion of the cam­era to opti­mal­ly locate the part and its posi­tion in six degrees of free­dom (X, Y, Z, roll, pitch and yaw). It will learn and rec­og­nize a large num­ber of objects regard­less of their posi­tion with­in the cam­era field of view.

The Moto­Sight 3D Cor­texVi­sion pack­age includes: Embed­ded vision proces­sor, GigE cam­era tech­nol­o­gy, High-flex cabling, Eth­er­net com­mu­ni­ca­tion, and a 10-meter cable. An IP67-rat­ed cam­era is avail­able as an option. This soft­ware can be used on the fol­low­ing con­trollers: DX200, DX100, and FS100

Are you inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about Motoman vision robot­ic sys­tems or 3D Laser Vision Motoman Robots? Then you should call Robots​.com pro­vides robots from sev­er­al dif­fer­ent robot­ics com­pa­nies, includ­ing Motoman Robot­ics. Our staff will work with you through every step of the process, advis­ing you along the way.

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881.

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