Laser Processing with the ABB FlexCutLaser and FlexWeldLaser cells

Dec 16, 2014

​The ABB FlexCut Laser robotic cell can cut a variety of difficult and abrasive metals without wearing down a cutting tool. It uses laser cutting technology, saving you rmoney on maintenance and wear and tear. The FlexCutLaser and FlexWeldLaser cells are the perfect solution for your production line, contact representatives today.


Cut­ting and weld­ing are two of the most com­mon appli­ca­tions on the indus­tri­al mar­ket today. Man­u­fac­tur­ers all over the world have turned to robots to per­form these two process­es, and some have even installed full weld­ing cells to com­plete the process. ABB Robot­ics has devel­oped two pre-fab­ri­cat­ed cells for cut­ting and weld­ing – the Flex­Cut­Laser cell and the FlexWeld­Laser cell. These cells come com­plete with every­thing you need to per­form a suc­cess­ful auto­mat­ed laser cut­ting or laser weld­ing application.

The ABB Flex­Cut­Laser robot­ic cell is all about cut­ting, as the name claims. Like oth­er laser cut­ting appli­ca­tions, the Flex­Cut­Laser cell will be able to cut a vari­ety of dif­fi­cult or more abra­sive met­als, and it will do so with­out wear­ing down a cut­ting tool of any sort. Because it uses laser cut­ting tech­nol­o­gy, the Flex­Cut­Laser cell by ABB will save your com­pa­ny mon­ey on main­te­nance and wear and tear, effec­tive­ly sav­ing you mon­ey over the lifes­pan of the cell.

The FlexWeld­Laser from ABB Robot­ics is a weld cell that has offline pro­gram­ming capa­bil­i­ties, much like its cut­ting coun­ter­part, and it also has the abil­i­ty to weld a vari­ety of parts, regard­less of their size, shape or the vol­ume of pro­duc­tion. This type of pre-fab weld­ing cell will boost pro­duc­tion for any com­pa­ny, and pos­si­bly stream­line weld­ing in the process. The ABB FlexWeld­Laser is a leader in motion con­trol and path per­for­mance, ensur­ing a high qual­i­ty weld every time.

Are you inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about ABB work cells like those men­tioned above? Then you should call Robots​.com, a cer­ti­fied inte­gra­tor for ABB Robot­ics. Our staff will work with you to help you find the best ABB work cell for your facil­i­ty. We even cus­tomize exist­ing work cells and build cus­tom Robots​.com cells that will fit all of your needs.

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881.

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