Motoman MotoFit

Sep 30, 2014

Motoman created Motofit to help combat issues or errors that occur when an external force is applied to a robotic system. Motofit is a six-axis, high-speed force sensing package that will increase your high precision application's productivity. The software will alter the robot's position based on the force that is encountered, helping to cut down on snags and decrease overall downtime.


Are you look­ing for a reli­able force con­trol assem­bly or sand­ing tool for your Motoman robot? Then you should check out the new MotoFit from Motoman Robot­ics.

Typ­i­cal­ly, with­out MotoFit, a robot will be ready for posi­tion­al con­trol, then move even when exter­nal force are applied as long as they do not exceed lim­its that would cause an errors.

MotoFit was cre­at­ed to help com­bat issues and errors; It is a six-axis, high-speed, force sens­ing pack­age to help increase pro­duc­tiv­i­ty for high-pre­ci­sion appli­ca­tions. The Force Con­trol soft­ware alters the robot’s posi­tion based on the force encoun­tered to align or assem­ble the parts. This gives the robot the abil­i­ty to move and retain its posi­tion, even when exter­nal forces are applied, which improves the over­all accu­ra­cy of the assem­bly process. By using this type of sens­ing pack­age, man­u­fac­tur­ers are able to cut down on snags and increase hole posi­tion detec­tion, which increas­es the reli­a­bil­i­ty of the robot dur­ing the appli­ca­tion process.

The force sen­sor can detect three trans­la­tion­al forces and three axi­al moments. Touch­ing, fit­ting, and insert­ing are all com­bined to pro­vide auto­mat­ic pre­ci­sion fits of mat­ing sur­faces, at a fast pace. This helps improve appli­ca­tions such as dri­ve train com­po­nents, seat, elec­tron­ics or bat­tery assem­bly, and non-destruc­tive testing.

Along with improved reli­a­bil­i­ty, the MotoFit by Motoman Robot­ics also has the advan­tage of being user-friend­ly. Instead of hav­ing to wor­ry about shut­ting down the pro­duc­tion line for an extend­ed peri­od of time to train an oper­a­tor, force sens­ing con­trol para­me­ters can be taught to oper­a­tors quick­ly, even if those oper­a­tors do not have unique skills in this area. That means that train­ing shut­down time is at a min­i­mum and pro­duc­tion uptime is increased, which is great for man­u­fac­tur­ers and their prof­it margins.

Includ­ed in the MotoFit pack­age is a six-axis sen­sor, high-speed com­mu­ni­ca­tion board, pow­er sup­ply box, robot mount­ing flange adapter and Engi­neer­ing Sup­port Tool (EST) soft­ware. There is a PC appli­ca­tion used for sen­sor set­up and job cre­ation, allow­ing jobs to be edit­ed as needed.

It is easy to see why MotoFit is ide­al for the pre­cise assem­bly of parts, includ­ing dri­ve trains, seats, elec­tron­ics, bat­ter­ies and even non-destruc­tive test­ing prod­ucts. Inquire today to learn which robots are offered with MotoFit. The con­trollers best com­pat­i­ble with the pro­gram are the DX200 and FS100.

Are you inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about the MotoFit force con­trol assem­bly tool from Motoman? Then you should con­tact Robots​.com, a cer­ti­fied inte­gra­tor for Motoman Robot­ics. Our staff will work with you to help you decide on the per­fect robot mod­el and all the fea­tures and tool­ing nec­es­sary to ensure you will get increased pro­duc­tiv­i­ty with the system.

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com rep­re­sen­ta­tives online or at 8777626881.

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