Preventative Maintenance for Industrial Robots

Feb 23, 2015

There are a wide range of preventative maintenance steps you should perform on the robotic system on your production line. It is important to check the manual for your specific robotic system to see what time frame is best for your needs. Scheduling maintenance in this way will help to prevent costly downtime and increase the overall productivity of your production line.

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Every robot needs pre­ven­ta­tive main­te­nance ensure top-lev­el per­for­mance and con­sis­ten­cy on the pro­duc­tion line. When robots do not have reg­u­lar pre­ven­ta­tive main­te­nance checks per­formed, it can cause parts and com­po­nents to break down or mal­func­tion, which can cause a slow­down or shut­down of your pro­duc­tion. Indus­tri­al robots that are prop­er­ly main­tained can last for many years, even decades, before need­ing to be replaced. By keep­ing a reg­u­lar pre­ven­ta­tive main­te­nance sched­ule, you are extend­ing the life of your robot exponentially.

Dif­fer­ent robot­ics com­pa­nies rec­om­mend dif­fer­ent amounts of time between pre­ven­ta­tive main­te­nance. For exam­ple, Fanuc Robot­ics states that planned pre­ven­ta­tive main­te­nance for your indus­tri­al robot should be per­formed every 3,850 hours or 12 months, whichev­er comes first for your robot. How­ev­er, KUKA Robot­ics rec­om­mends pre­ven­ta­tive main­te­nance after 10,000 hours for their robots. It is impor­tant to check the man­u­al for your spe­cif­ic robot to see what time frame is best.

No mat­ter what length of time your man­u­al rec­om­mends, by sched­ul­ing main­te­nance in this way, you are able to pre­vent cost­ly down­time that is unplanned due to mechan­ic issues. While planned main­te­nance may shut down pro­duc­tion for a short time, it is noth­ing com­pared to the pro­duc­tion time you may lose if your robot stops working.

So, what takes place dur­ing rou­tine pre­ven­ta­tive main­te­nance check­ups? Here are some rec­om­mend­ed main­te­nance tips to sched­ule through­out the life of your robot: 

  • Back­ing up the con­troller memory
  • Mon­i­tor robot in reg­u­lar motion, inspect­ing robot, har­ness and cables
  • Inspec­tion of brake operation
  • Check robot repeatability
  • Lis­ten for exces­sive audi­ble vibra­tion and noise
  • Grease joints, accord­ing to spe­cif­ic robot man­u­al (or ana­lyze grease if already performed)
  • Visu­al inspec­tion of teach pen­dant and con­troller cables
  • Check cable con­nec­tions, cool­ing fans, pow­er sup­plies, safe­ty equip­ment, and oth­er equip­ment for functionality
  • Test and replace RAM and APC bat­ter­ies, if required
  • Clean vents and fil­ters with com­pressed air
  • Grease bush­ing and balancer
  • Tight­en exter­nal bolts
  • Replace bat­ter­ies in con­troller and robot arm when necessary

If any fur­ther action is required and the robot needs repairs, the tech­ni­cian should report the issues so arrange­ment can be made to make the need­ed repairs. Robots​.com also offers a recon­di­tion­ing and inspec­tion pro­gram with mul­ti­ple lev­el options.

With over 35 years of expe­ri­ence as a robot­ic inte­gra­tor, we under­stand the impor­tance of keep­ing your robot up and run­ning as smooth­ly and effi­cient­ly as pos­si­ble. Let our expe­ri­ence assist you in avoid­ing com­mon mis­takes asso­ci­at­ed with the care of your robot. Con­tact us today for more infor­ma­tion at 8777626881 or fill out a con­tact form and we will respond quick­ly to your inquiry.

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