ABB Changing The World Through Automation, One Robot At A Time

Oct 22, 2013

ABB devotes a lot of their time and energy to the research and development of industrial robot technology. As technology continues to advance, ABB's hope is to change the world as they progress towards automating the future.


ABB devotes more than $1 bil­lion to research and devel­op­ment activ­i­ties to stay at the cut­ting edge of tech­nol­o­gy. ABB’s automa­tion con­tin­ues to change the world as we progress toward the future.

ABB’s automa­tion solu­tions have impact­ed huge indus­tri­al com­pa­nies, includ­ing: Nes­tle, IKEA, Apple, Dell, HP, John­son & Johnson.

ABB devel­oped the world’s first elec­tri­cal­ly pow­ered indus­tri­al robot, and the impact robots now have on man­u­fac­tur­ing process­es and indus­tri­al pro­duc­tiv­i­ty has been rev­o­lu­tion­ary. Man­u­fac­tur­ers have ben­e­fit­ed great­ly from robots’ abil­i­ties to per­form repet­i­tive tasks at high speed and effi­cien­cy, while employ­ees’ work­ing con­di­tions have been rad­i­cal­ly improved. ABB’s robots increase indus­try out­put and prod­uct qual­i­ty while decreas­ing oper­at­ing costs, down­time, and manpower.

ABB robots have an impact on our dai­ly lives. These robots man­u­fac­ture the cars we dri­ve. They pick, pack­age, and pal­letize the food and bev­er­ages we con­sume on a dai­ly basis. They sand, fin­ish, paint, and pack­age the fur­ni­ture in our homes. They weld, grind, and pol­ish our com­put­ers and cell phones. They pick, pack­age, and pal­letize the med­ica­tions we use when we are sick. 

ABB is also the glob­al leader of process automa­tion sys­tems. ABB launched its Extend­ed Automa­tion Sys­tem 800xA in 2004 to extend the reach of dis­trib­uted con­trol sys­tems into a new dimen­sion. Sys­tem 800xA can access, man­age, and rede­ploy data through­out a sys­tem. It pro­vides a sin­gle envi­ron­ment for a plant’s entire oper­a­tions. It can also link the sys­tems of plants at dif­fer­ent sites into an inte­grat­ed entity. 

With­in the past five years, Sys­tem 800xA has evolved into an automa­tion plat­form that address­es an industry’s need to improve pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. The oil and gas indus­tries use Sys­tem 800xA HI, focus­ing on safe­ty and process con­trol in a sin­gle sys­tem. For phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, the PAT solu­tion ensures that prod­ucts are con­sis­tent­ly safe and qualified. 

ABB’s auto­mat­ed solu­tions also mon­i­tor, con­trol, oper­ate, and pro­tect the world’s pow­er sys­tems. In real time, elec­tric util­i­ties and sys­tem oper­a­tors can man­age their trans­mis­sion grids, dis­tri­b­u­tion net­works, pow­er plants, and ener­gy trad­ing mar­kets. They col­lect, trans­mit, store, and ana­lyze data from data points over large geo­graph­ic areas. They are cru­cial to any smart grid solu­tion in the future.

If you are inter­est­ed in pur­chas­ing an ABB brand­ed robot, con­tact us today to help ful­fill your needs at a reduced price. New and used ABB robots are avail­able from Robots​.com; con­tact rep­re­sen­ta­tives today online or at 8777626881.

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