ABB offers foundry robot protection with Foundry Plus

Oct 27, 2013

ABB's Foundry plus program was designed to protect robots in rough conditions where extra wear can occur. Foundry Plus can reduce the risk of downtime and repairs and increase the overall service life. ​


The pur­pose for ABB to devel­op Foundry Plus is to pro­tect robots in foundry envi­ron­ments. These con­di­tions are usu­al­ly rough, and while the robot isn’t human, it can cer­tain­ly suf­fer ill effects if it is not prop­er­ly equipped for its work­ing con­di­tions. Coolants, lubri­cants, and met­al spits con­tribute to extra wear on the robot, which increas­es the risk of down­time, repairs, and reduced ser­vice life.

Foundry Plus robots are designed based on require­ments from lubri­cants and cool­ing spray used in die cast­ing machines. An anti-rust primer, pro­tec­tion of wrist joints and flange, and motors sealed with seal­ing com­pound are some of its main features.

Robots pro­tect­ed by Foundry Plus are com­plete­ly sealed from base to wrist against any sol­id or flu­id sub­stances. The unique com­bi­na­tion of alu­minum chro­ma­tion and steel primer pro­tec­tion under­neath a two-com­po­nent epoxy paint make the robot com­plete­ly resis­tant to dai­ly high-pres­sure washing.

The option­al Foundry Plus 2 pro­tec­tion sys­tem ensures the robot can with­stand high-pres­sure steam wash­ing, and it is IP67 com­pli­ant and high­ly cor­ro­sion proof. This results in less repairs and a longer lifetime.

Foundry Plus 2 fea­tures improved seal­ings to pre­vent pen­e­tra­tion into elec­tri­cal com­part­ments, mechan­i­cal details designed to the same stan­dard, a cor­ro­sion-resis­tant coat­ing under epoxy paint, appli­ca­tion of rest pre­ven­tives, and addi­tion­al pro­tec­tion of cabling and electronics.

The main appli­ca­tions of ABB’s Foundry Plus 2 robot pro­tec­tion include: die cast­ing, sand cast­ing, forg­ing, clean­ing, machin­ing, ladling, and skimming. 

There are mul­ti­ple types of ABB foundry robots avail­able through Robots​.com. If you do not find the one you want on our prod­uct list, let us know and we can still find out if we can sup­ply you a new or refur­bished robot for a reduced price. Our experts are avail­able at 8777626881 or they can be reached online.

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