ABB Robotic Profits

Oct 28, 2013

ABB robotics is a leading manufacturer across the globe and has consistently delivered amazing results each year. They take pride in their ability to provide amazing customer service while also innovating with their new product ideas.


2011 proved to be a wild­ly suc­cess­ful year for ABB. ABBs net income was up by 24% in 2011. Their orders rose 17% with rev­enues up 16%. The full-year orders hit $40 bil­lion for the first time.

The increase in prof­itabil­i­ty in the fourth quar­ter of 2011 was due to strong rev­enue growth com­bined with cost sav­ings. The mea­sure of prof­itabil­i­ty tracked by man­age­ment rose 18% from that time the year before. 

The surge in orders could be due to the increas­ing demand for low-loss pow­er trans­mis­sion sys­tems as well as demand from indus­tri­al cus­tomers for high-effi­cien­cy equip­ment that reduces oper­at­ing costs. 

In 2012, the net prof­it shrunk by 15%. ABB blames a tough mar­ket and insists it held its ground. Their num­ber of orders remained rel­a­tive­ly stable.

Con­sis­ten­cy is key to ABB, and it proved it can deliv­er con­sis­tent results since sales still grew by 4% in 2012. Also con­sis­tent is the grow­ing elec­tric­i­ty con­sump­tion, indus­tri­al­iza­tion in emerg­ing mar­kets, and the need to increase ener­gy and efficiency.

Robots​.com car­ries ABB robots. New and used are both avail­able for inte­gra­tion. Con­tact us for more infor­ma­tion at 8777626881 or reach rep­re­sen­ta­tives online.

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