All about automotive in Battle Creek, MI

Nov 4, 2013

Car manufacturing is a popular industry in Michigan, so it is no surprise that Battle Creek is a producer of pumps and other parts for vehicle motors. Robotic automation helps these companies increase the product quality and consistency for assembly.


When peo­ple think of Michi­gan, many of them think of car man­u­fac­tur­ers. Of course, many also know that car man­u­fac­tur­ers, espe­cial­ly in that area, have tak­en a big hit in the last decade or so. Only in the last cou­ple of years has the car indus­try began to bounce back into the black. And how did they do this? With the help of robot­ic automa­tion.

Union Pump in Bat­tle Creek, MI, makes pumps and oth­er parts for vehi­cle motors. While motors seem big and lumpy, some of their parts are del­i­cate and small. To bet­ter han­dle these parts and assem­ble them, many com­pa­nies like Union Pump have turned to robot­ic automa­tion for their han­dling and assem­bly needs. Robots can touch the same piece with the same force every time, which low­ers work­er error and the pos­si­bil­i­ty of dam­age to the part.

Two oth­er com­pa­nies that can ben­e­fit from the advan­tages of robot automa­tion are Flex-N-Gate and II Stan­ley. Both com­pa­nies man­u­fac­ture parts for auto­mo­biles. Whether it is a sheet of auto­mo­tive glass or a plas­tic piece for the vehicle’s dash­board, these pro­duc­tion lines don’t only depend on the robots to move the pieces with­out break­ing them. They also want the robots to remove mate­r­i­al from around the pieces to make sure they are uni­form and will fit into the des­ig­nat­ed area on the vehi­cle. This kind of pre­ci­sion accu­ra­cy can only be found the guid­ed hands of a robot.

When Bat­tle Creek man­u­fac­tur­ers need parts and robot sys­tems, they know they take a day trip to Ohio and meet with the peo­ple at Robots​.com. As a cer­ti­fied inte­gra­tor for ABB, Motoman, Fanuc, Uni­ver­sal Robots, and KUKA, Robots​.com can work with com­pa­nies to locate, obtain and/​or build any sys­tem you can throw at us. For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881.

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