Deburring Robots Removing Welding Lines

Jun 30, 2013

If a welding line is causing a weak spot in a product, deburring robots can save the day! Deburring robots put a chamfer on the product, enabling the welding line to disappear.


A weld­ing line is the line cre­at­ed when two flow fronts meet. The fronts don’t weld or knit them­selves togeth­er prop­er­ly, which caus­es local­ly weak areas in the product. 

A weld­ing line occurs when the mold or mate­r­i­al tem­per­a­tures are set too low, so that the mate­ri­als are too cold when they meet to bond per­fect­ly. Anoth­er way weld­ing lines form is when oxide forms on the cor­ner of the weld prepa­ra­tion. If the weld­ing arc can’t reach the area to clean the oxide, the weld­ing line appears.

Pre­ven­tion is best; if weld­ing lines can be pre­vent­ed, then they don’t need to be removed. How­ev­er, if a weld­ing line is caus­ing a weak area, a debur­ring robot can come to the rescue! 

If a debur­ring robot puts a cham­fer on the prod­uct, the weld­ing line should dis­ap­pear. This is a sim­ple and stan­dard process for a debur­ring robot.

Robots​.com pro­vides a vari­ety of debur­ring robots that can help dimin­ish weld­ing lines. Con­tact Robots​.com today at 8777626881 for more information. 

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