Electrical Signals: ABB Sensors

Nov 5, 2013

ABB’s offers uses a variety of sensors to help improve the automated production system. ABB's sensors use electrical signals to help coordinate the opening and closing of a machine while also helping improve workplace safety. The safety sensors help to ensure that a gate or hatch is properly closed, otherwise leading to a stop signal.


Almost all of ABB prod­ucts and sys­tems are equipped with sen­sors. Sen­sors take a phys­i­cal mea­sure­ment and turn it into an elec­tri­cal sig­nal, which is processed and trans­formed into use­ful infor­ma­tion. Sen­sors deliv­er the input infor­ma­tion to con­trol process­es and pro­tect systems.

ABB’s sen­sor offer­ings include indoor and out­door sen­sors. Inside, com­bined sen­sors, volt­age sen­sors, and cur­rent sen­sors are offered. For the out­doors, volt­age sen­sors and split-core sen­sors are offered.

ABB’s Machine Sync uses a lin­ear sen­sor on a machine’s mov­ing plate to syn­chro­nize the robot’s move­ment. It coor­di­nates the open­ing and clos­ing of a machine dur­ing a machine tend­ing oper­a­tion. The reduced extrac­tion time improves machine cycle time and increas­es output. 

ABB also empha­sizes work­place safe­ty. There­fore, ABB devel­oped the Eden AS‑I non-con­tact safe­ty sen­sor for the high­est safe­ty lev­el. It is for use on inter­locked gates, hatch­es, etc. The sen­sor is acti­vat­ed if the gate or hatch is closed. It con­stant­ly com­mu­ni­cates between two parts and any fail­ure leads imme­di­ate­ly to a stop signal.

Robots​.com buys and sells new and refur­bished Inte­gra­tion-Ready ABB robots along with ABB parts. Sen­sors are impor­tant to the accu­ra­cy of a robot and some­times need to be replaced. If you need to replace your sen­sor, con­tact us online or at 8777626881.

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