Enhancing Reliability with Used Motoman Bonding and Sealing Robots

Aug 19, 2014

Motoman Robotics is a leading producer for industrial robots and is known across the globe for their ability to enhance reliability on the production line. Robots.com is proud to offer users both new and refurbished robots for a variety of applications, including bonding and sealing robots. These used bonding and sealing robots are a fraction of the price of a new system, but bring the same reliability and productivity to the production line.


Motoman Robot­ics has been pro­duc­ing robots for sev­er­al decades, and the longevi­ty of those robots is known all over the world. That is why used Motoman robots, includ­ing those that per­form bond­ing and seal­ing appli­ca­tions, are found in all kinds of dif­fer­ent indus­tries and mar­kets. These robot sys­tems cost only a frac­tion of the price that is paid for a new sys­tem, but they are also reli­able, and they are friend­ly to the work­er as well.

Work­er safe­ty should be one of the most impor­tant aspects of man­u­fac­tur­ing for any com­pa­ny. That is why invest­ing in used bond­ing and seal­ing robot­ics from Motoman is so impor­tant. The adhe­sives used in the bond­ing and seal­ing process­es can release chem­i­cals like mer­cury and diox­ins, which are extreme­ly unhealthy for any work­er in the vicin­i­ty. By using the Motoman bond­ing and seal­ing robot sys­tems, work­ers are put in safer, more reward­ing jobs, far from the haz­ardous con­di­tions that take place dur­ing the dis­pens­ing application.

Still won­der­ing about the reli­a­bil­i­ty of a used Motoman bond­ing and seal­ing robot? Well, don’t fret! Com­pa­nies like Robots​.com, a cer­ti­fied robot­ics inte­gra­tor, works with Motoman robots all the time. Robots​.com will buy a refur­bished robot, like a Motoman robot­ic bon­der and seal­er, and then the com­pa­ny will strip it down, put it through a exten­sive recon­di­tion­ing process, repair it, clean it and repaint it before putting it out on the sales floor for customers.

Are you inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about used bond­ing and seal­ing robots from Motoman and how Robots​.com recon­di­tions them to work like new? If so, then you should call us today. Our staff is on hand to answer any ques­tions and get you on your way to build­ing and cus­tomiz­ing the per­fect robot­ic sys­tem for your facility.

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com online or at 8777626881.

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