Factory Robot Applications Help Build the Aerospace Industry

Jul 25, 2013

Factory robots are helping the aerospace industry by tackling drilling. Factory robots are perfect for this task, they offer precision and the ability to cut cycle times. Factory robots also help to increase the consistency and overall productivity.


The auto­mo­tive indus­try is one of the biggest mar­kets for fac­to­ry robot appli­ca­tions. How­ev­er, indus­tries like the aero­space indus­try are increas­ing­ly inte­grat­ing more and more robots into their facilities.

The aero­space indus­try oper­ates on the abil­i­ty to be pre­cise, an impor­tant qual­i­ty when build­ing air­craft. This indus­try has employed fac­to­ry robots for years to assist with the fab­ri­ca­tion of jet engines and oth­er parts, but it is only recent­ly that the indus­try has made the leap to using robots in oth­er areas.

Fac­to­ry robot­ic appli­ca­tions that have been the same for decades to build cars do not trans­late well to build­ing air­craft. It is only with the new robots that have pin­point pre­ci­sion and accu­ra­cy that this indus­try has been able to jump into using robots with both feet. Now, instead of just being lim­it­ed to jet engine fab­ri­ca­tion, fac­to­ry robots are also per­form­ing appli­ca­tions like drilling, paint­ing and oth­er tasks for airframes.

One of the main appli­ca­tions for fac­to­ry robots in the aero­space indus­try is drilling. Fac­to­ry robots are a nat­ur­al fit for this task because of the pre­ci­sion that is need­ed when drilling holes for air­craft. Not to men­tion, it is a hefty job. It doesn’t make sense to have human work­ers drill thou­sands of holes for air­craft parts. It would take too much time and be too expen­sive. By using the fac­to­ry robot appli­ca­tion, the drilling takes less time and is com­plet­ed with bet­ter accuracy.

These fac­to­ry robot­ics appli­ca­tions use vision as well to not only drill holes, but also inspect the work that has been done and the con­di­tion of the air­craft. This gives robots the abil­i­ty to per­form their own qual­i­ty con­trol analy­sis with more accu­ra­cy and less error than when man­u­al­ly completed.

Robots​.com, a cer­ti­fied inte­gra­tor of fac­to­ry robots for Fanuc, Motoman, ABB, Uni­ver­sal Robots, and KUKA, has sev­er­al mod­els that can per­form dozens of fac­to­ry robot appli­ca­tions, includ­ing drilling and paint­ing, as well as weld­ing, mate­r­i­al han­dling and mate­r­i­al removal.

For more infor­ma­tion about how Robots​.com can help your indus­try auto­mate their appli­ca­tions with fac­to­ry robots. Con­tact us today at 8777626881 or reach rep­re­sen­ta­tives online.

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