How to Trouble Shoot a Robot Making Defective Welds

Oct 25, 2023

Troubleshooting a welding system is imperative for detecting welding defects and reducing the chances of a reduced quality product. There are a variety of ways to check for welding defects in your system such as checking for shielding gas leaks and flow and spatter, replacing welding tips and liners regularly, checking welding wire, and checking the stick out height or push pull angles. For more information on checking welding defects, contact experts today.

Welding automation robots with ferris wheel positioner

Robot Weld­ing defects are some­thing that man­u­fac­tur­ers want to try to avoid at all costs. When a robot­ic welder pro­duces defects dur­ing the weld­ing process, it can cut down on the integri­ty of the weld, which can take away from the qual­i­ty of the prod­uct. That is why it is impor­tant to under­stand how to trou­bleshoot your robot­ic sys­tem if you see weld­ing defects. 

Poros­i­ty is one of the most com­mon weld­ing defects. It can be caused by a shield­ing gas leak or a clogged weld­ing gun noz­zle. This can cause welds to be made from under­cut or cold roll mate­r­i­al, caus­ing defects in the weld. There are many dif­fer­ent steps you can run through to check for poros­i­ty issues and oth­er weld­ing defects in your robot­ic weld­ing system.

5 Steps to Check­ing Poros­i­ty Issues in Your Fanuc Weld­ing Robot

  1. Check for Shield­ing Gas Leaks and Flow – When check­ing for a shield­ing gas leak, use soap bub­bles, and make sure all fit­tings are tight. The shield­ing gas flow should feel like it is com­ing out of the gun, but not enough to cause any tur­bu­lence or disruption. 
  2. Check for Spat­ter – A weld­ing noz­zle can get bogged down with spat­ter over time. Remove the weld noz­zles from the robot sys­tem, inspect them, and clean any weld spat­ter before replac­ing them. 
  3. Replace Weld­ing Tips and Lin­ers Reg­u­lar­ly – Weld­ing con­tact tips should be replaced dai­ly to ensure that the wire feed is smooth and con­sis­tent dur­ing each weld­ing cycle. Weld­ing lin­ers need to be replaced week­ly in shops that run three shifts per day. 
  4. Check Weld­ing Wire – The weld­ing wire should feel strong as it exits the weld­ing gun. To pre­vent bird nests”, a tan­gle of wire that halts the wire from being fed, flip the dri­ve roll and pull the wire back out of the gun. Then trim the tan­gled wire and re-thread it through the feed­er and back to the gun. 
  5. Check Stick Out Height and Push Pull Angles – The typ­i­cal stick out height for a weld­ing robot, the dis­tance from the end of the weld­ing gun noz­zle and tip to the weld joint, is 58 inch­es to 34 inch­es. Ensure that the mea­sure­ment is cor­rect, and check all the push pull angles of the sys­tem. Steel usu­al­ly requires a drag angle of around 15 degrees, while alu­minum requires a 15 degree lead angle to burn of oxides with the arc. 

Once you have com­plet­ed all of these steps, you should be able to cor­rect the weld­ing defects, like poros­i­ty, and return to a strong, durable weld­ing appli­ca­tion that will be high qual­i­ty and consistent. 

For more infor­ma­tion about robot­ic weld­ing solu­tions, con­tact Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881.

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