In its element – a robot and its workspace

Jul 29, 2013

A robotic's workspace is the space in which the robot operates on the production line or in a workcell. Each industrial articulated robot has a very specific workspace for which it can operate and move around within. It is important to discuss your specific needs to find the best automated fit for your production line.


When humans oper­ate in fac­to­ry set­ting, they usu­al­ly have a set work­space, a place where all the tools they need to do their job are locat­ed. The same can be said for a robot work­space in an indus­tri­al setting.

There are many dif­fer­ent ways to think about a robot’s work­space, but it is basi­cal­ly defined as the space in which the robot oper­ates. This could be on a pro­duc­tion line or in a work­cell. It does not mat­ter where they are oper­at­ing, every indus­tri­al artic­u­lat­ed robot has a defined work­space – the amount of room it is able to move around an area.

Of course, the robot­ic work­space is going to be vast­ly big­ger than a human work­space. These met­al mas­ters of accu­ra­cy can sit over 8 feet high, when in a crouched posi­tion, and have an exten­sive reach when need be. A robot­ic work­space may have the diam­e­ter of 20 – 30+ feet, or even much longer. There are also small­er robots that may have small­er work­spaces, like spi­der robots, which are pro­grammed to locate small­er objects on a line or in a bin.

It is impor­tant for man­u­fac­tur­ers to work with robot­ic com­pa­nies or inte­gra­tors to deter­mine how much robot­ic work­space is need­ed when design­ing the sys­tem. If a facil­i­ty is too small, it may not be suit­ed for a large robot, or the robot’s oper­a­tion may be destructive.

One thing that is nec­es­sary is that human work­ers stay out of a robot’s work­space dur­ing oper­a­tion. While humans may be able to enter each other’s work­space, enter­ing a robot’s work­space could result in injury or death, due to the amount of speed and force with which a robot works.

Most robot­ic work­spaces are not­ed by floor mark­ings, fenc­ing or oth­er safe­ty mea­sures to keep humans from cross­ing into a dan­ger­ous area. As men­tioned above, the speed and accu­ra­cy that makes robots so attrac­tive to man­u­fac­tur­ers can also be dead­ly if a work­er decides to dis­re­gard safe­ty procedures.

The best rule of thumb is to let it work – it will have its work­space, and you can have yours.

Our high­ly-skilled group of engi­neers will work with you to design a sys­tem or work­cell that will fit in the space you have avail­able in your facility.

For more infor­ma­tion on automat­ing your facil­i­ty with Robots​.com, con­tact us today online or at 8777626881.

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