Innovations in robotic hardware and software

Apr 25, 2013

When you invest in a robotic welding system, you are investing in the future. Robotic welding equipment innovations are non-stop as automation companies are striving to constantly create better solutions. The hardware and software options are never-ending with the creative development provided by major robotic companies.


Every year, com­pa­nies attempt to bet­ter their process­es and equip­ment from robot­ic weld­ing to clean­room appli­ca­tions. Motoman, a leader in indus­tri­al robot­ics, released a clean­room robot in April that spe­cial­izes in bio­med­ical applications.

The MH3BM han­dles spec­i­men pro­cess­ing, drug dis­pens­ing and med­ical research appli­ca­tions. With spe­cial coat­ing and stain­less steel fas­ten­ers, the MH3BM has more ver­sa­til­i­ty and can be cleaned with hydro­gen per­ox­ide. The robot has a clean­room rat­ing of ISO 5, which gives it flex­i­bil­i­ty to work out­side the bio­med­ical field.

While these appli­ca­tions may seem worlds apart, they are both per­formed by indus­tri­al robot­ic arms, which have end-of-arm-tool­ing that make them ver­sa­tile for many appli­ca­tions. The MH3BM also fea­tures open soft­ware, allow­ing for cus­tomiz­ing options.

Robots​.com offers automa­tion solu­tions from Motoman, ABB, Uni­ver­sal Robots, Fanuc and KUKA, along with oth­er man­u­fac­tur­ers, works with robot­ic weld­ing and clean­room appli­ca­tions, as well as every­thing in between.

If you are look­ing to begin automat­ing your indus­try appli­ca­tions with the new or refur­bished robot­ic arms, con­tact Robots​.com today at 8777626881. The engi­neers and sales­peo­ple can help you with all your cus­tomiz­able robot­ic appli­ca­tion needs.

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