Motoman welding robots working for Defense

Jul 9, 2013

Defense contractors are finding that motoman welders produce high-quality welds which helps to produce an overall higher quality product. Defense companies are changing over from manual welding to automation with motoman welding solutions. Overall, Motoman welders produce a more consistent product on a more efficient production line, saving defense manufacturers time and money.


Motoman Robot­ics is a leader in the weld­ing indus­try. Motoman weld­ing robots work with­in sev­er­al indus­tries from auto­mo­tive to con­sumer goods to bev­er­ages. These welders have even been deployed to work on weld­ing mil­i­tary vehi­cles for the U.S. Defense Department.

Sev­er­al con­trac­tors around the Unit­ed States use a num­ber of Motoman weld­ing robots for defense-relat­ed projects, includ­ing pro­vid­ing weld­ing for the tur­rets of armored vehi­cles and the machin­ing of air­craft land­ing gear.

Con­tac­tors use Motoman welders because they yield high-qual­i­ty welds, which increas­es the supe­ri­or­i­ty of the end prod­uct. These Motoman weld­ing solu­tions also pro­vide the qual­i­ty con­trol required for defense-lev­el prod­ucts and vehicles.

As men­tioned above, one Motoman weld­ing sys­tem was designed to weld alu­minum tur­ret bases for U.S. mil­i­tary vehicles.

As the need for vehi­cles increas­es for the mil­i­tary, the Defense Depart­ment and its con­trac­tors are look­ing for ways to increase pro­duc­tion of these tur­ret bases, a piece vital for the pro­tec­tion of the vehi­cle when in hos­tile envi­ron­ments. Tur­ret bases hold gun tur­rets for U.S. mil­i­tary armored vehi­cles – these gun tur­rets and the arms they con­tain are essen­tial for con­voy pro­tec­tion when cross­ing ene­my terrain.

Defense con­trac­tors want­ed to bet­ter than dou­ble their pro­duc­tion rate per hour, from one part per hour to two or more parts per hour. These parts required 75 welds each, which includ­ed many mul­ti-pass welds and gaps. They also want­ed to achieve a 0.03mm repeata­bil­i­ty and decrease the pro­duc­tion down­time. The only answer for height­ened pro­duc­tion was Motoman welding.

Motoman welders, like the UP20M, can achieve this lev­el of repeata­bil­i­ty, speed and accu­ra­cy. The Motoman weld­ing robot also has sig­nif­i­cant reach and flex­i­bil­i­ty, which allows it to weld on both sides of a system.

By choos­ing Motoman robot weld­ing for these tur­ret bases, the defense con­trac­tors were able to achieve the decreased cycle times and enhance their pro­duc­tion while also reduc­ing their down­time and train­ing time. They upped dai­ly pro­duc­tion from 5 – 7 tur­ret bases a day, to 20 – 25 parts per day, mak­ing their use of Motoman welders an all-around success.

Robots​.com, a cer­ti­fied inte­gra­tor for Motoman Robot­ics, has sev­er­al Motoman weld­ing robot options avail­able for pur­chase and cus­tomiza­tion. Robots​.com will help cus­tomers design the per­fect sys­tem for their weld­ing application.

For more infor­ma­tion on weld­ing automa­tion and the use of Motoman welders, con­tact Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881.

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