Next Generation Robots

Jul 7, 2014

As technology continues to advance, so does the next generation of robots. These robots are bringing even faster speeds, accuracy, and repeatability. Industrial next generation robots can truly bring your production line greater levels of productivity and save your company time and money.


When most peo­ple think about robots, their mind prob­a­bly goes to either the sci­ence fic­tion robots we see in tele­vi­sion and movies, or it may drift to the indus­tri­al robots that are found in fac­to­ries all over the world. How­ev­er, there is a whole new gen­er­a­tion of robots that are com­ing to the fore­front, and unlike the indus­tri­al robots that have tak­en up the mar­ket­place for the last 40 years, these new robots are all about envi­ron­ments out­side of the fac­to­ry setting.

Med­ical robots are some of the robots on the fastest rise to the top, and we’re not just talk­ing about robots that man­u­fac­ture hos­pi­tal beds and cab­i­nets and such. Robot­ic sur­geons are assist­ing and per­form­ing surg­eries on a reg­u­lar basis in some hos­pi­tals, while oth­er robot are work­ing in care and nurs­ing capac­i­ties. Still oth­er next gen robots are work­ing as phar­ma­cists, mea­sur­ing out med­ica­tion and mak­ing sure that patients have their prop­er pre­scrip­tion and dosage. Robots have a high degree of accu­ra­cy, and because of that, they are per­fect for these types of tasks. There is lit­tle to no fear of a robot­ic sur­geon get­ting a shaky hand, or a robot­ic phar­ma­cist mis­count­ing a prescription.

The next gen­er­a­tion of robots are also going to find work in the domes­tic and ser­vice indus­tries. Ser­vice next gen robot­ics are being devel­oped for the restau­rant, as well as the bar. Accu­ra­cy, cou­pled with speed, make these prime places for robots. A robot­ic cook can make the food to order, while a robot­ic serv­er can bring it to your table in record time. Also, with a robot bar­tender, a drink is poured just right every time. These are advan­tages that might make any restau­rant or bar own­er invest. Prompt ser­vice, good food and well-made drinks are ways to boost sales and the rep­u­ta­tion of the estab­lish­ment, mak­ing these next gen­er­a­tion robot sys­tems a win-win for ser­vice indus­try owners.

So, what does all this have to do with indus­tri­al robots? Well, where do you think all of these next gen­er­a­tion robots got their skills? Just like par­ents pass­ing down traits to their chil­dren, next gen robot sys­tems have gained quite a bit from their indus­tri­al brethren. The first, obvi­ous­ly, being the robot­ic speed. Robot­ic arms per­form high lev­els of work in fac­to­ries every day, work­ing much faster than their human coun­ter­parts. Anoth­er sim­i­lar­i­ty is in the accu­ra­cy that all of these robots bring to the table. This lev­el of accu­ra­cy and repeata­bil­i­ty has been honed over many years in fac­to­ries, where robots are able to hit the same mark over and over with­out miss­ing a beat.

While Robots​.com isn’t inte­grat­ing ser­vice or med­ical robots at this time, they are inte­grat­ing indus­tri­al robot sys­tems on a dai­ly basis. What is Robots​.com? Robots​.com is a cer­ti­fied robot­ics inte­gra­tor for sev­er­al top robot­ics com­pa­nies, includ­ing Fanuc, ABB, Motoman, Uni­ver­sal Robots, and KUKA. Our staff is ded­i­cat­ed to help­ing you build the per­fect robot­ic sys­tem for your facility.

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881.

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