Powerful Technology in Small Packages - KUKA Compact Robots

Sep 19, 2013

KUKA compact robots have powerful technology in small packages. When the work space is tight and manufacturers need a powerful solution, a KUKA compact robot gets the job done. KUKA compact robots are able to provide reliable work and an increase of productivity.


When work space is tight, indus­tri­al com­pa­nies attempt to cre­ate pow­er­ful tech­nol­o­gy in small­er pack­ages. KUKA Robot­ics does just that with some of its small robots.

Space-sav­ing, com­pact robots from KUKA are fast and reli­able. All of them uti­lize the best-sell­ing PC-based con­trol plat­form KRC and can all be freely com­bined with­in a sin­gle sys­tem. Both 4‑axis SCARAs and 6‑axis joint­ed-arm robots are part of the com­pact mod­els KUKA offers.

KUKA offers four KR 6 R900 mod­els. The KR 6 R900 FIVVE offers high pre­ci­sion and high work­ing speeds. It is well-suit­ed for han­dling, coat­ing, and pro­cess­ing oper­a­tions. The oth­er end of this range, the KR 6 R900 SIXX W, is designed for instal­la­tion on the wall and has a max­i­mum reach of 901 mm. The mod­els’ light weights pro­mote opti­mum accel­er­a­tion and max­i­mum work­ing veloc­i­ties. KR 5 SCARA R350, 550, 600, and 850 have a foot­print of only 150150 mm. They boast a high posi­tion­ing accu­ra­cy and is suit­able for han­dling, fas­ten­ing, and appli­ca­tion of adhe­sives and sealants.

The KUKA KR C4 Com­pact con­troller offers the reli­a­bil­i­ty and high per­for­mance of KR C4 tech­nol­o­gy in a com­pact design. It’s pow­er­ful, safe, flex­i­ble, and intel­li­gent, and can fit in 19” enclo­sures. It has expan­sion capa­bil­i­ty, but its num­ber of hard­ware com­po­nents, cables, and con­nec­tors have been reduced and replaced instead with soft­ware-based solu­tions. The KR C4 is an ener­gy effi­cient all-rounder: safe­ty, robot, log­ic, motion, and process con­trol are all com­bined in one. 

Robots​.com offers a vari­ety of KUKA com­pact robots. If you are inter­est­ed in inte­grat­ing or updat­ing your mod­el, con­tact us today and we will help guide you to the right one. For more infor­ma­tion con­tact Robots​.com online or at 8777626881.

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