Robotics on the Move – Mobile Robots

Jul 7, 2015

Mobile robots can save manufacturers quite a bit of money as they are versatile and can move around to work in different areas on your production line. Mobile robots can perform one application at one point and then move to another to tackle a different one. If you are interested in integrating a mobile robot on your production line, contact experts today.


When some­one brings up the idea of mobile robot­ics, most peo­ple prob­a­bly flash to movies like The Ter­mi­na­tor, Star Wars, or even I, Robot. How­ev­er, the mobile robots that are being con­ceived today and in the near future are prob­a­bly clos­er to Wall‑E than C3PO. Mobile robots today are devel­op­ing ways to take robots off of their shelves and mount them on auto­mat­ic guid­ed vehi­cles (AGVs) to help them mobilize. 

What would these robots do? How would they be prac­ti­cal? Well, that depends on the shop. Many shops do not per­form enough actions at any one sta­tion to con­sid­er automat­ing that area. How­ev­er, if one robot could move to many dif­fer­ent sta­tions and per­form a vari­ety of appli­ca­tions, then that would def­i­nite­ly be prac­ti­cal and prof­itable. For exam­ple, instead of hav­ing a ded­i­cat­ed robot at one sta­tion that would fin­ish all of their work with­in a few hours of start­ing pro­duc­tion, and then be use­less the rest of the shift, a mobile robot mount­ed to an AGV could per­form one appli­ca­tion at one point in the pro­duc­tion line, and then move to anoth­er sta­tion in the pro­duc­tion line and per­form anoth­er application. 

Anoth­er advan­tage? Mobile robots will save man­u­fac­tur­ers quite a bit of mon­ey in the long run, espe­cial­ly if they are deter­mined to auto­mate their process­es. By invest­ing in one robot that is able to be pro­grammed to move from sta­tion to sta­tion, instead of buy­ing ded­i­cat­ed robots for each sta­tion, the com­pa­ny can save the cost of one to two more robots, while still automat­ing their process. That is a pos­si­ble sav­ings of $100,000+.

All in all, mobile robots would be a great fit for lots of dif­fer­ent pro­duc­tion lines, espe­cial­ly for small­er com­pa­nies. They would save mon­ey and time, while also enhanc­ing speed and quality. 

Are you inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about robot­ic advance­ments, like mobile robots? Then you should call Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881.

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