Seeing the pieces with vision guided robotic systems

Jul 15, 2013

Robotic systems have several advantages including the reduction of production and labor costs. They can boost the advantages of a robot system very quickly, especially with the help of vision system. There are three main components, including the robotic system itself, along with the vision component and the handling component, which is usually a conveyor of some sort.


While robot­ic sys­tems have sev­er­al advan­tages on their own, includ­ing an increase in speed with a reduc­tion of pro­duc­tion and labor costs, there are oth­er ways to boost the advan­tages of a robot sys­tem. One of those ways is to inte­grate vision into the system.

Vision guid­ed robot­ic sys­tems have three com­po­nents, includ­ing the robot­ic sys­tem itself, along with the vision com­po­nent and the han­dling com­po­nent, which is usu­al­ly a con­vey­or of some sort. While vision robot­ic sys­tems are pri­mar­i­ly used for mate­r­i­al han­dling appli­ca­tions, they can also be used for some weld­ing applications.

As parts are loaded onto the con­vey­or, the vision fea­ture of the robot­ic sys­tem can track these work pieces and record the exact coor­di­nates, which it then feeds to the robot. Once the robot has the pic­ture of which is the cor­rect work piece to manip­u­late, it can then start to accept or reject pieces based on the pro­grammed criteria.

While vision can be fit­ted to a robot, as list­ed above, it can also be placed at a sta­tion­ary point on the pro­duc­tion line to per­form qual­i­ty con­trol assess­ments after the robot has fin­ished its appli­ca­tion. This allows man­u­fac­tur­ers to more accu­rate­ly track pack­ages and cut down on errors.

There are sev­er­al advan­tages to choos­ing a robot­ic vision-guid­ed sys­tem. This sys­tem allows the man­u­fac­tur­er to switch prod­ucts and batch runs with­out mechan­i­cal adjust­ments. It can all be done with soft­ware. These robot­ic sys­tems also reduce cycle times, while increas­ing effi­cien­cy, reli­a­bil­i­ty and flex­i­bil­i­ty of the pro­duc­tion line.

Robots​.com sells robots from Fanuc, Motoman, ABB, Uni­ver­sal Robots, and KUKA, has the capa­bil­i­ty to inte­grate vision fea­tures onto almost any mate­r­i­al han­dling or weld­ing robot. Robots​.com helps cus­tomers to design the per­fect robot sys­tem to fit their needs.

For more infor­ma­tion on inte­grat­ing a robot­ic sys­tem with vision capa­bil­i­ties, con­tact Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881.

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