Spindle Motors Increase Your Power Density

Oct 7, 2013

On your robotic system, the spindle motor is small but offers high-precision, reliable electric motor and helps store data. Robots.com is proud of their parts inventory and can provide you with a variety of new or refurbished robotic parts.


A spin­dle motor is a small, high-pre­ci­sion, reli­able elec­tric motor with­in a hard dri­ve that rotates the shaft (spin­dle) on which the plat­ters are mount­ed. The plat­ter is used to store data. 

Hard disk dri­ve spin­dle motors are mount­ed in a sin­gle unit, and spin the plat­ters at a con­stant rate. A speed sen­sor pro­vides feed­back to the motor that allows it to spin at this des­ig­nat­ed rate – exact­ly the right speed for the operation.

The spin­dle motor’s work­load is depen­dent on the size and num­ber of plat­ters it must turn. Larg­er and more plat­ters require more pow­er­ful motors. The same is true of high­er-speed drives.

There is a grow­ing demand for high-speed spin­dle motors. This is due to the con­tin­u­ous need for increased pow­er den­si­ty, as well as the cycle time that a machine tool needs to com­plete a spe­cif­ic oper­a­tion. The faster a tool can be moved and rotat­ed, the faster it can com­plete its task. 

Spin­dle motor per­for­mance has been improved recent­ly due to more pow­er­ful per­ma­nent mag­net­ic mate­ri­als, high pre­ci­sion machin­ing tech­niques, and improved elec­tron­ic con­trol cir­cuits. Con­tact our parts group today online or at 8777626881 if you are inter­est­ing in learn­ing more about spin­dle motors and what we offer.

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