The complexity of the Motoman SK16

Sep 26, 2013

Motoman's SK16 has the complexity necessary to get jobs done right on the production line. With complexity comes great responsibility. It is important to keep all of your parts maintained properly and if necessary, replaced.


Intro­duced in 1994, the Motoman SK16 robot was ahead of its time. It had increased per­for­mance like had nev­er been seen in a Motoman robot before. So, what made that increase in per­for­mance pos­si­ble, you ask? That’s sim­ple – the parts that make up the SK-16, like the speed reduc­ers, the ac ser­vo­mo­tors, the wrist unit and the inter­nal wiring.

The speed reduc­ers on the S, L, U and R axes, part num­bers HW9280631‑A, HW9280614‑A and HW9370855‑A, work to help the robot move more effi­cient­ly. The speed reduc­ers decrease the out­put from the motors while increas­ing the torque, which helps the robot to work in a more flu­id motion.

The ser­vo motors for the SK 16, part num­bers HW9380768‑A, HW9380635‑A and HW9380837‑A, are locat­ed on the S, L, U and R axes as well, and work in con­junc­tion with the speed reduc­ers to improve the func­tion­al­i­ty of the sys­tem over­all. With­out the ser­vo­mo­tors, the robots would not be able to move.

While ser­vo­mo­tors and the speed reduc­ers are involved in mov­ing the entire robot­ic arm, the wrist unit, part num­ber HW9171193‑A, is only con­cerned with the end effec­tor and the part of the robot that manip­u­lates the work pieces on a pro­duc­tion line.

Final­ly, the robot is run by inter­nal wiring, part num­bers HW9170901‑A and HW9370774‑A, that sup­plies pow­er and infor­ma­tion to the SK-16 robot by con­nect­ing it to the robot­ic con­troller and the pow­er sup­ply for the system.

Are you look­ing for a Motoman SK 16, either new or used? Maybe you have a Motoman SK16, and you need parts for it. No mat­ter what the need, Robots​.com can ful­fill it. We can work with you to get you the right Motoman sys­tem and parts nec­es­sary to increase your shop’s production.

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881.

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