The Fanuc R30iB Teach Pendant

Sep 20, 2013

Fanuc brings a new teach pendant to the production line with the Fanuc R30iB. This has the latest and greatest technology and offers a manufacturer an economical, fast, and efficient option.


The Fanuc R30iB teach pen­dant is one of the newest teach pen­dant mod­els that Fanuc has to offer. It is gain­ing accep­tance in the robot­ic indus­try as a teach pen­dant that has sim­ple oper­a­tion while being eco­nom­i­cal, fast and efficient.

The R‑30iB teach pen­dant, part num­ber A05B-2518-C302, is pop­u­lar because one of the focal points when design­ing this pen­dant was user-friend­li­ness. While the iPen­dant Touch is rec­og­niz­able to any­one knowl­edge­able of the Fanuc teach pen­dants of old because of the ergonom­ic design and large col­or touch screen, it also has addi­tion­al func­tion keys, along with a help key, which should con­tribute high­ly to the ease of use for the equip­ment, accord­ing to the Fanuc website.

The new Fanuc R30iB A05B2518C302 iPen­dant also has func­tion keys for con­trol­ling the sev­enth and eight axes, as well hav­ing the option of dis­play­ing one win­dow on the mon­i­tor, or hav­ing two dis­played side by side, which improves the func­tion­al­i­ty of the mul­ti-task­ing feature.

Anoth­er improve­ment that comes with the A05B 2518 C302 pen­dant is the dis­play­ing of 3D graph­ics on the mon­i­tor, which sim­pli­fies the pro­gram steps for the oper­a­tor in a way that two dimen­sions can­not. These iso­met­ric views are only avail­able in the R‑30iB. The inter­ac­tions between the oper­a­tor and the teach pen­dant are also secured, to help with any out­side interaction.

Along with all these ben­e­fits, the R30iB iPen­dant also con­serves ener­gy – more than 10 per­cent more than its pre­de­ces­sor. So, it is not only a friend to users, but also a friend to the environment.

While Fanuc will con­tin­ue to inno­vate and expand their teach pen­dant line, for now that Fanuc R 30iB is a pret­ty good teach pen­dant to have.

For more infor­ma­tion about the Fanuc R30iB teach pen­dant, con­tact Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881.

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