The Fanuc RJ3iC Teach Pendant

Sep 20, 2013

The FANU RJ3iC teach pendant has an iPendant touch screen and can help with collision detection. It is very ergonomically designed, while also enabling the benefit of multitasking.


When a pop­u­lar series comes to an end, there is always a need to go out on a high note. That high note for the Fanuc RJ3 series is the Fanuc RJ3iC teach pen­dant.

The RJ3iC, part num­ber A05B-2490-C175, teach pen­dant still retains many of the fea­tures that were found on the ear­li­er mod­els, includ­ing the col­li­sion detec­tion, the ergonom­i­cal­ly-designed pen­dant and the mul­ti-task­ing oper­at­ing sys­tem. This pen­dant also retains the lux­u­ry of an iPen­dant touch screen option, while bump­ing up the qual­i­ty with a col­or display.

How­ev­er, it is the inno­va­tions of this teach pen­dant that keep it com­pet­i­tive in the mar­ket­place. The Fanuc RJ3-iC pen­dant improves upon the iB mod­el by con­trol­ling up to 40 axes of motion, some­thing unheard of ear­li­er in the series. This pen­dant can con­trol up to four robots by itself, along with 16 aux­il­iary axes of motion in eight motion groups.

Also, while the RJ3 iC A05B2490C175still retains the advanced stor­age, com­mu­ni­ca­tion and net­work­ing capa­bil­i­ties of old, it also includes not sin­gle, but dual built-in Eth­er­net, as well as a USB inter­face – a first with this sys­tem as well.

The sys­tem ben­e­fits for the A05B 2490 C175 teach pen­dant also include Con­stant Path, an enhance­ment from Accu­Path. Con­stant Path motion pro­vides increased path per­for­mance for the sys­tem despite pro­gram interruptions.

Though the RJ3iC was the end of an era for Fanuc, it sure­ly closed the page on a good sto­ry that will be around for years.

For more infor­ma­tion about the Fanuc RJ3iC teach pen­dant, con­tact Robots​.com online or at 8777626881.

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