The internal operations of the Motoman K6 robot

Sep 26, 2013

​​The K6 robot is the perfect material handling worker for your production line. It brings all of its six axes to the table, the S, L, U, B, R and T axes, to help contribute to the overall operation and improve the productivity.

The K6 robot, a mate­r­i­al han­dling and weld­ing robot from Motoman, is made up of six axes – the S, L, U, B, R and T axes. The axes have sev­er­al parts that con­tribute to the over­all oper­a­tion of the robot. These parts are the gears, the AC ser­vo motors, the bat­tery unit, the inter­nal wiring and the wrist unit.

The gears for the Motoman K6, part num­bers HW84251351, HW84251331 and HW84251341, which work with the oth­er pieces to move the robot arm, which moves much like a human arm.

Motoman K6 Robot

With the gears are the AC ser­vo­mo­tors, which are found on each axis, part num­bers HW9380861‑A, HW9380862‑A and HW9380863‑A. The AC ser­vo­mo­tors are much like reg­u­lar AC motors, except they have an ampli­fi­er and they are able to receive feed­back from oth­er parts of the robot. The ser­vo­mo­tors give motion to the robot.

There is also a bat­tery unit in the K‑6 robot, part num­ber HW8471030‑A, that con­tributes to the pow­er sup­ply of the robot. The inter­nal wiring, part num­bers HW9170858‑A, HW9270566‑B, HW8371217‑A and HW8371218‑A, con­tributes to the pow­er sup­ply as well. This wiring con­nects the robot to the pow­er sup­ply and the controller.

Speed reduc­ers are found on every axis: the S‑axis, HW8380795‑A; the L‑and U‑axes, HW8380798‑A; the R‑axis, HW8380798‑A; the B‑axis, HW9380950‑A; and the T‑axis, HW8380799‑A. The speed reduc­ers slow the out­put of the motor and increase the torque, which increas­es the Motoman K 6 processes.

Robots​.com, a cer­ti­fied inte­gra­tor for Motoman Robot­ics, has access to parts and robots for the Motoman line. Our staff will work with you design your per­fect robot­ic sys­tem or order the parts you need. For more infor­ma­tion about order­ing from Robots​.com, con­tact us today online or at 8777626881.

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