The Motoman EH80-A Fast and Flexible Material Handling Solution

Jun 19, 2016

If your production line is searching for better duty cycles, high speeds, and flexibility, then the Motoman Expert Handling EH80 robot is the solution. It has an IP67 rated wrist, UP54 rated body, and can tackle up to 80 kg in payload. The Motoman EH80 also provides a large work enveople, streamlined body, and internal cabling to help reduce any potential interference or maintenance.

Motoman EH80A Robot

Mot­mo­man’s Expert Han­dling” EH80 robot is tru­ly an expert in its class; the ±0.07 mm repeata­bil­i­ty and high speeds just can­not be beat. It is a fast and flex­i­ble solu­tion to meet your automa­tion needs for any dis­pens­ing, han­dling, and/​or mate­r­i­al removal appli­ca­tions. In addi­tion, the Motoman EH80 has an IP67 rat­ed wrist and a IP54 rat­ed body, or option­al IP65 if needed.

The EH80 eas­i­ly con­quers high duty cycles and high fre­quen­cy motion; it is dif­fi­cult to find a more capa­ble robot for the job. The EH80 can tack­le up to an 80kg pay­load, main­tains a large work­ing enve­lope, a stream­lined body, and an inter­nal cabling design to reduce any inter­fer­ence. This well thought out and strate­gic design means the life of the cables will be extend­ed and the set-up time, reduced. The inten­tion­al­ly com­pact and stream­lined design allows it to be close to machines when parts need load­ing or unload­ing.

The stur­dy and robust design of the EH-series robots ulti­mate­ly equates to a longer oper­at­ing life than stan­dard-duty robots. Stur­dy does­n’t mean it can’t be simple…to help sim­pli­fy pro­gram­ming, the Motoman EH80 has mul­ti­ple robot con­trols for up to four robots.

Depend­ing on your pro­duc­tion line and automa­tion needs, there are mul­ti­ple mount­ing options avail­able: floor, mount, or ceil­ing, all of which require min­i­mal instal­la­tion space. Also, if your pro­duc­tion line calls for die cast­ing, there is a spe­cial option for this robot avail­able, the EH80XP. If addi­tion­al flex­i­bil­i­ty is need­ed, the EH80 can be used in a dual-robot con­fig­u­ra­tion with oth­er NX100 robots.

The Motoman EH80 is paired with the advanced NX100 con­troller that has fast pro­cess­ing and unmatched mul­ti­ple robot con­trol capa­bil­i­ty with up to four robots. This ulti­mate­ly helps to decrease inte­gra­tion costs and also poten­tial­ly reduce robot collisions.

Safe­ty is a huge val­ue with the NX100 as there are four secu­ri­ty lev­els of pass­word pro­tec­tion, con­troller changes are logged and restrict­ed access to the pro­duc­tion pro­grams. It also offers unmatched con­nec­tiv­i­ty through stan­dard Eth­er­net and oth­er net­work options.

Supe­ri­or per­for­mance deserves recog­ni­tion, and at Robots​.com, we are ready to give it. Call us today at 7502404312, or con­tact us online, so we can dis­cuss how you are going to improve your automa­tion line with the EH80, today.

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