Types of Robotic Coatings

Aug 12, 2013

Coating and painting robots will help to increase the quality of work on your production line. There are a variety of types of robotic coatings available such as thermal spray coatings and field joint coatings.


Coat­ing and Paint­ing robots are built dif­fer­ent­ly from stan­dard robots. They are equipped with explo­sion proof arms. This is nec­es­sary for them to be able to safe­ly spray coat­ings that cre­ate com­bustible gasses. Coat­ings are usu­al­ly sol­vent-based paints that might trig­ger a fire. Coat­ing robots must work safe­ly in a volatile envi­ron­ment, and can con­trol all aspects of the spray para­me­ters, such as fan air, atom­iza­tion air, flu­id flow, and voltage.

Ther­mal spray coat­ing occurs when a sub­strate is coat­ed to improve func­tion­al­i­ty. Ther­mal spray coat­ings pro­tect parts from high tem­per­a­tures, abra­sion, and cor­ro­sion. The types of ther­mal spray coat­ing dif­fer in their appli­ca­tion of ther­mal and kinet­ic ener­gy to the source mate­r­i­al. Plas­ma, wire arc, and flame spray are exam­ples of ther­mal spray coat­ing technology.

Field joint coat­ings, coat­ings on the inte­ri­or of a pipeline, reduce flow fric­tion and inter­nal cor­ro­sion, and increase envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion. Robots are capa­ble of apply­ing either liq­uid or pow­der coat­ings in either a sin­gle appli­ca­tion or a mul­ti-pass sys­tem. The mul­ti-pass sys­tem requires longer ini­tial­ly, but could ensure high tem­per­a­ture resis­tance lat­er. The type of coat­ing robot used for this type of process depends on the project require­ments: a fusion bond epoxy or a plur­al com­po­nent liq­uid epoxy. 

Spin­dle coat­ing sys­tems enhance trans­fer effi­cien­cy. Only sec­tions are tar­get­ed to be coat­ed, so paint con­sump­tion is reduced and set­up time is shortened.

Seal­ing and coat­ing oper­a­tions are also com­mon. Car body assem­blies require seal­ing for inte­ri­or seams, under-body coat­ing, and sound dampers. Pow­der coat­ing can be used for appli­ca­tions like coat­ing RV parts.

Some exam­ples of coat­ing robots are: Fanuc Paint Mate 200iA/​5L, Fanuc P‑50iA, Motoman P8, and a KUKA KR 360 KR 360. Robots​.com offers all of these robots and many more at a reduced price to fill your coat­ing needs. Con­tact us today for help decid­ing which coat­ing robot is right for your fac­to­ry; online or at 8777626881.

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