Welding Gases

Jan 15, 2015

Welding gases are a product of welding and cutting applications that must be carefully regulated to produce the correct results. For instance, shielding gases like carbon dioxide, argon, and helium and fuel gases such as acetylene, propane, and butane, help to create these results. It is also important to regulate the byproduct of these gases.


Weld­ing gas­es are used and/​or cre­at­ed when weld­ing or cut­ting, and they are a vital part of the weld­ing process because they shield the weld from the sur­round­ing envi­ron­ment. Weld­ing gas­es must be care­ful­ly reg­u­lat­ed to pro­duce the right results. 

There are sev­er­al exam­ples of shield­ing and fuel gas­es that are used dur­ing weld­ing and cut­ting process­es, includ­ing shield­ing gas­es like car­bon diox­ide, argon and heli­um and fuel gas­es like acety­lene, propane, and butane. Oxy­gen is also used with fuel gas­es and in small amounts in some shield­ing gas mixtures. 

As men­tioned above, not only are weld­ing gas­es used dur­ing the weld­ing process, but they are also cre­at­ed dur­ing the weld­ing process. Car­bon diox­ide is pro­duced from the decom­po­si­tion of flux­es, car­bon monox­ide is cre­at­ed when the car­bon diox­ide shield­ing gas begins to break down, and ozone and nitro­gen are pro­duced when inter­act­ing in dif­fer­ent ways with oxy­gen. There are also gas­es like hydro­gen chlo­ride and phos­gene that are pro­duced by the reac­tion between ultra­vi­o­let light and the vapors from chlo­ri­nat­ed hydro­car­bon degreas­ing solvents. 

Anoth­er way gas­es are cre­at­ed is through the ther­mal break­down of exist­ing coat­ings on the work pieces dur­ing the weld­ing process. Polyurethane coat­ings can pro­duce hydro­gen cyanide, formalde­hyde, car­bon diox­ide, car­bon monox­ide, oxides of nitro­gen, and iso­cyanate vapors. Epoxy coat­ings can also emit car­bon diox­ide and car­bon monox­ide, while vinyl paints can gen­er­ate hydro­gen chlo­ride, and phos­phate rust-inhibit­ing paints can secrete phos­phine dur­ing weld­ing procedures. 

As one can imag­ine, all of these gas­es, some nec­es­sary to the weld­ing process and oth­ers unavoid­able prod­ucts of the weld­ing process, are not good for humans to breathe on a reg­u­lar basis. They can be dan­ger­ous for work­ers, and min­i­miz­ing expo­sure is a must – which is why many com­pa­nies turn to robot­ic weld­ing solutions. 

Robots offer a safer weld­ing alter­na­tive for com­pa­nies. Work­ers no longer have to be in close prox­im­i­ty with weld­ing gas­es that can be haz­ardous to their health. Some of the haz­ards asso­ci­at­ed with weld­ing gas­es are asphyx­i­a­tion, fire, explo­sion, and tox­i­c­i­ty. This improves the safe­ty lev­el in the shop, while also improv­ing the health of the welders. 

Are you inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about weld­ing gas­es and robot­ic weld­ing? If so, give Robots​.com a call today at 8777626881 or con­tact experts online.

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