Welding health – welding cells for the healthcare industry

Jul 16, 2013

The healthcare industry is quickly realizing the benefits of using automated welding cells. Robotic welding cells are bringing healthcare companies increased accuracy and better overall product quality.


When one thinks about the indus­tries that might use a robot­ic weld­ing cell, one might con­sid­er the auto­mo­tive or the elec­tron­ics indus­try, and even the aero­space indus­try. How­ev­er, it is doubt­ful that their first thought would be the health­care indus­try – and that would be wrong.

The health­care indus­try has been using robot­ics for years to man­u­fac­ture their prod­ucts, and those appli­ca­tions include welding.

Health­care prod­uct man­u­fac­tur­er Mid­mark Cor­po­ra­tion has had weld­ing cell automa­tion in their facil­i­ty since 2005 when they inte­grat­ed a Motoman weld­ing cell with a robot welder and a robot posi­tion­er. The weld cell was installed to assem­ble and weld cab­i­nets for exam­i­na­tion tables.

From that weld­ing cell, Mid­mark has expand­ed its busi­ness, even adding a GMAW cell for those high­er-vol­ume prod­uct lines. They even invest­ed in a lean­er robot­ic weld cell for a low­er vol­ume line over time.

Mid­mark made these invest­ments because their man­u­al weld­ing appli­ca­tion was just too labor-inten­sive. By chang­ing from a man­u­al appli­ca­tion to an auto­mat­ed robot weld­ing cell, the com­pa­ny was able to relieve three work­ers to oth­er areas that were less labor inten­sive. They were also able to run their cell two shifts per day, pro­cess­ing 150 weld­ments per shift.

The robot weld­ing cells also brought the com­pa­ny more accu­ra­cy and all-around bet­ter prod­ucts. Once they switched to able to increase their error-proof­ing and qual­i­ty con­trol prac­tices, which helped to enhance their prod­ucts overall.

For more infor­ma­tion on automa­tion and what Robots​.com can do for your com­pa­ny, con­tact us today online or at 8777626881.

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