Welding Torch Cleaning Station

Nov 26, 2017

It is important to keep your welding nozzles clean in order to maximize productivity. Welding torch cleaning stations, also known as reamers, help to increase the overall efficiency by helping to minimize spatter and debris. Proper maintenance and upkeep is important to keep the automated welding prcess streamlined. Contact Robots.com experts today to learn more about welding torch cleaning stations.

Automat­ing your weld­ing process will help to increase your prod­uct through­put and bring an over­all greater effi­cien­cy to your pro­duc­tion line. Many man­u­fac­tur­ers can keep their weld­ing noz­zles clean and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty max­i­mized by inte­grat­ing a torch clean­ing sta­tion also known as a ream­er. Ream­ers help to improve the over­all effi­cien­cy by help­ing to min­i­mize spat­ter and debris in the noz­zle. As with any mechan­i­cal sys­tem, prop­er main­te­nance and upkeep is impor­tant to keep the auto­mat­ed weld­ing process stream­lined; here we sug­gest the many ben­e­fits of a torch clean­ing sta­tion and some main­te­nance tips for even greater suc­cess on your pro­duc­tion line.


A torch clean­ing sta­tion will decrease spat­ter and debris, reduce down­time for main­te­nance, and pro­long con­sum­ables life when used and installed prop­er­ly. It will keep your robot­ic weld­ing cell pro­duc­tive and improve the weld qual­i­ty on your pro­duc­tion line by remov­ing accu­mu­lat­ing spat­ter from inside the gas met­al arc weld­ing gun’s front-end consumables.

By remov­ing the spat­ter often, a ream­er can help to pre­vent the loss of shield­ing gas and ensure a smooth cov­er­age to pro­tect the weld pool

It can also reduce the risk of spat­ter lodg­ing between the con­tact tip or retain­ing head and the noz­zle; both of which could result in arc­ing against the part.

Man­u­al­ly, it would take five+ min­utes to clean a torch noz­zle; a ream­er can con­duct the job in a mat­ter of seconds. 

Instal­la­tion Tips: 

As always, be sure to fol­low the man­u­fac­tur­ers guide for spe­cif­ic instal­la­tion direc­tions and tips. How­ev­er, here are a few brief guide­lines to fol­low along­side the man­u­fac­tur­ers guide.

  • The over­all goal is to have the cut­ter blade reach the gas holes with­out rub­bing against them.
  • The noz­zle should sit tan­gent on the two angled faces of the appro­pri­ate sized V‑block.
  • There should be four points of con­tact: two faces on the V‑block and two faces on the ream­er clamp.
  • As long as the posi­tion doesn’t increase debris col­lec­tion in the clamp hous­ing, a ream­er can be mount­ed in just about any position.
  • It is impor­tant to make note of the base plate posi­tion and the anti­spat­ter sprayer to ensure the spray reser­voir will not leak when full.
  • A mul­ti­feed sys­tem elim­i­nates the need for a sprayer reser­voir as the feed­ing of anti­spat­ter com­pound to mul­ti­ple ream­ers from a sin­gle drum placed on the floor or a shelf.

Size con­sid­er­a­tions:

The V‑block inside the top of the ream­er needs to be the cor­rect size for the spe­cif­ic noz­zle. If you use the incor­rect size for the noz­zle, the ream­er will be off-cen­ter and the cut­ter will crash into the noz­zle. The cut­ter blade is the cor­rect size for the noz­zle bore and the inser­tion depth of the noz­zle to the ream­er is 

Addi­tion­al Options: 

Anti-spat­ter com­pound can be sprayed along­side the reamer’s work. The manufacturer’s chart should be fol­lowed for prop­er set­up. How­ev­er, keep in mind that if the sprayer is too far, it won’t pro­vide ade­quate cov­er­age; too close may cause over-sat­u­ra­tion. The spray time also need not exceed more than a half-second.

Sug­gest­ed Fre­quen­cy of Cleaning: 

The part and the appli­ca­tion will deter­mine the ream fre­quen­cy that is nec­es­sary for ulti­mate pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. If your line is ream­ing too often, then it will decrease pro­duc­tion time; not soon enough will cause heavy spat­ter to build up. Spend­ing some time observ­ing your oper­a­tion and then mak­ing the appro­pri­ate adjust­ments will help to get the tim­ing just right. 

The Home Signal: 

The home sig­nal will drop off when the start sig­nal clos­es the clamps and rais­es the spin­dle. When the cycle is com­plete, the clamps will then open and the home sig­nal returns. Keep­ing a watch on the reamer’s home sig­nal reduces issues and guess­work dur­ing the clean­ing cycle. If the gun moves away too ear­ly, the ream­er can pull the noz­zle off the gun; con­fig­ur­ing the cor­rect tim­ing is important.

Two Types of Ream­er Options:

  • Ana­log- Have a mul­ti­con­duc­tor cord set and air sup­ply. Each con­duc­tor­re­lays a spe­cif­ic task sig­nal­ing the sys­tem to start, spray, and return to home.
  • Dig­i­tal- Use a net­work cable to send com­mands to an IP address. Dig­i­tal ream­ers can con­trol all of the func­tions that make up a ream cycle: start, spray, clamp, lift, low­er, and turn the motor on and off. Anoth­er ben­e­fit of a dig­i­tal ream­er is the abil­i­ty for remote mon­i­tor­ing and the abil­i­ty to track the sta­tus of each func­tion to deter­mine where the prob­lem lies. Dig­i­tal ream­ers use a net­work cable to send com­mands to an IP address. They can con­trol indi­vid­ual func­tions with­out being lim­it­ed to the num­ber of leads in the cord set, as an ana­log ream­er is. Beyond being told to start and spray, a dig­i­tal ream­er also can be told to clamp, lift, low­er, and turn the motor on and off — all of the func­tions that make up a ream cycle.

Pre­ven­ta­tive Maintenance: 

  1. Inspect­ing the unit on a reg­u­lar basis will help keep it run­ning for decades.
  2. Clean the V‑block and jaws of debris (buildup can push the noz­zle out of position).
  3. Keep all clamp faces clean by scrap­ing them on the V‑block to remove debris.
  4. Clean the top seal on the spin­dle under the cut­ter (excess can score the shaft on the spindle).

Ream­ers Boost Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty; Con­tact Robots​.com Today

When con­sid­er­ing robot­ic weld­ing, a noz­zle cleaned by a ream­er will help pro­duce a bet­ter weld qual­i­ty and reduce future prob­lems that could be cost­ly. A torch clean­ing sta­tion will make your robot­ic weld­ing process much more pro­duc­tive. To inte­grate a torch weld­ing sta­tion on your pro­duc­tion line, con­tact Robots​.com rep­re­sen­ta­tives online or at 8777626881.

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