ABB FlexPicker Packaging Robot

Dec 22, 2015

The ABB FlexPicker packaging robot brings improved speeds, higher payloads, and a smaller footprint to the production line. The ABB IRB 360 FlexPicker is equipped with integrated vision software to recognize the product type and the orientation on the conveyor belt. It offers a 3 kg payload and overall increased flexibility and superior tracking performance.

ABB Flexpicker Robot

ABB con­tin­ues to improve their pack­ag­ing robots with the sec­ond-gen­er­a­tion IRB 360 robot. Com­pared to the IRB 340, it has increased speeds, high­er pay­loads, and a small­er footprint. 

It is fit­ted with triple grip­pers that allow the robot to pick up three ran­dom­ly posi­tioned prod­ucts from the con­vey­or belt and places the prod­ucts indi­vid­u­al­ly on a roll stock machine. An upstream image pro­cess­ing sys­tem pro­vides the posi­tion­ing and loca­tion data. The 3kg pay­load demon­strates its high capac­i­ty to offer increased prod­uct flex­i­bil­i­ty, and the supe­ri­or track­ing per­for­mance enables the prod­ucts to be picked while moving.

The ABB IRB 360 Flex­Pick­er is equipped with inte­grat­ed vision soft­ware to rec­og­nize the prod­uct type and the ori­en­ta­tion on the con­vey­or belt. It has high-speed flex­i­bil­i­ty to ensure pro­duc­tion is max­i­mized. The Pick­Mas­ter soft­ware com­ple­ments the Flex­Pick­er and makes pro­gram­ming simple.

The Flex­Pick­er can be tai­lored to a wide range of appli­ca­tions due to the four dif­fer­ent vari­ants of the robot. The stan­dard mod­el can be altered to increase arm length if the robot needs to reach over large con­vey­ors. The com­pact mod­el saves floor space and can fit into com­pact pack­ag­ing machines. The high pay­load vari­ant can take more prod­ucts simultaneously. 

This robot also has a hygien­ic design for wash down appli­ca­tions to ensure food safe­ty. Before pack­aged food gets to con­sumers, it must be picked up from a con­vey­or belt and pack­aged. When robots pack­age food, they improve hygien­ic con­di­tions, as well as increase place­ment speed. 

The ABB Flex­Pick­er is specif­i­cal­ly designed for high speed pack­ag­ing, pick and place and assem­bly appli­ca­tions for food indus­tries, as well as phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal and gen­er­al FMCG industries.

At Hon­ey­Top Foods Facil­i­ty, the ABB Flex­Pick­er was cho­sen because of the accel­er­at­ed pro­duc­tion and the improved hygien­ic con­di­tions. The Flex­Pick­er rec­og­nized and grabbed over­lap­ping pan­cakes from the con­vey­or, and then stacked them for easy pack­ing. The impress­ing sort­ing rou­tine could pack 400 pan­cakes per minute!

Pep­peridge Farm imple­ment­ed the Flex­Pick­er to auto­mate the high-risk repet­i­tive motions inher­ent in pack­ag­ing operations. 

Robots do the sand­wich­ing of choco­late in the company’s Milano cookies. 

These are just some good exam­ples of var­i­ous food han­dling man­u­fac­tur­ers who have cho­sen to auto­mate their pro­duc­tion lines.

If you’d like to learn more about the ABB Flex­Pick­ers or com­pa­ra­ble robots from oth­er brands, please con­tact Robots​.com at 8777626881.

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