Benefits of Plasma Cutting

Jun 13, 2013

Robotic plasma cutting offers higher cutting speeds, easy multitasking, increased safety, and the ability to work with many materials. Industrial robots are very economical solutions to integrate into your current production line.

Plas­ma cut­ting has many ben­e­fits, which has made it an attrac­tive appli­ca­tion in many dif­fer­ent indus­tries. This cut­ting process uses a gas jet, charged at great speeds to cut met­al up to six inch­es thick at very high temperatures.

What is plas­ma cutting?

First, let’s dis­cuss what plas­ma cut­ting robots do. Robot­ic plas­ma cut­ting uses a high-veloc­i­ty ion­ized gas (plas­ma) to heat and melt met­als, which are then used to cut the piece. Plas­ma cut­ting can be used with pieces less than one inch thick and can cre­ate angled or curved shapes.

Check out our blog post with more details about plas­ma cutting.

Advan­tages of plas­ma cutting

The advan­tages of robot­ic plas­ma cut­ting are numerous:

Cut­ting Speed

Robot­ic plas­ma cut­ters are five times faster than tra­di­tion­al, man­u­al torch­es, and can cut up to 500 inch­es per minute.

Wide Range of Mate­r­i­al and Thickness

Plas­ma cut­ting robots can make pre­cise cuts in a vari­ety of met­als and thick­ness­es. These plas­ma cut­ters use nitro­gen, which enables them to cut steel, alu­minum, and oth­er metals.

Ease of Use

Robot plas­ma cut­ters require mar­gin­al train­ing, mak­ing them user-friendly.


Robot plas­ma cut­ting sys­tems are not just lim­it­ed to cut­ting. They can be used as gauges, lin­ing up mate­r­i­al perfectly.


This cut­ting appli­ca­tion uses gas that is not high­ly flam­ma­ble, elim­i­nat­ing some of the safe­ty haz­ards with gas cut­ting procedures.


Plas­ma cut­ting is a cost effec­tive appli­ca­tion – it is less expen­sive than laser or water-jet cutting.

Keeps Mate­ri­als Cool

Despite oper­at­ing at high tem­per­a­tures, plas­ma cut­ting robot­ic sys­tems can keep the sur­face of mate­ri­als cool. This pre­vents warp­ing and dam­age to paint and oth­er coatings.

    These advan­tages add up to an appli­ca­tion that will not only cut pro­duc­tion and labor costs but will also improve the qual­i­ty of your product.

    Find a plas­ma cut­ting robot with Robots​.com

    Robots​.com, a provider of refur­bished robots from Fanuc, ABB, Motoman, and KUKA robots, has sev­er­al plas­ma cut­ting robot mod­els avail­able to cus­tomers. Our team of engi­neers, design­ers, and sales­men will work with you to come up with the best plas­ma cut­ting option available.

    For more infor­ma­tion about the ben­e­fits of plas­ma cut­ting robots, con­tact Robots​.com today by fill­ing out our con­tact form or call­ing us at 8777626881.

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