Better Palletizing with Motoman PalletSolver Software

Aug 25, 2017

Motoman has developed an easy-to-use palletizing software called PalletSolver. This software will help to enable fast and easy setup as well as specific customization routines to your production line. Manufacturers will no longer have to shutdown the automation system for long periods of time, ultimately saving a company time and money.

Palletizing Robotic Software by Motoman

Motoman Robot­ics’ lat­est inno­va­tion for improv­ing pal­leti­za­tion is Pal­let­Solver. It is a com­pre­hen­sive pal­letiz­ing soft­ware suite with drag-and-drop and hot but­ton fea­tures that enable fast robot­ic pal­letiz­ing rou­tines for a vari­ety of SKUs. Pal­letiz­ing is one of the most impor­tant and wide­ly used end-of-line robot­ic appli­ca­tions on the mar­ket and com­pa­nies are con­stant­ly try­ing to improve it. Motoman’s Pal­let­Solver will help to stream­line your pal­letiz­ing process as it increas­es the ease of inte­gra­tion of Motoman’s robots and enhances the company’s pro­duc­tion line uptime. 

Pal­let­Solver is com­pat­i­ble with the DX200, MLX200, and DX100 con­trollers. It has a very easy-to-use con­fig­u­ra­tion; set­up and cus­tomiza­tion rou­tines offer your pro­duc­tion line fast devel­op­ment and sim­ple inte­gra­tion of robot­ic pal­letiz­ing sys­tems. Man­u­fac­tur­ers will not have to endure long shut­downs for train­ing pur­pos­es and can have the new automa­tion up and run­ning in no time, sav­ing mon­ey on pro­duc­tion costs.

This sim­ple soft­ware tool will also cre­ate the per­fect pal­let pat­terns for your pro­duc­tion needs, cre­at­ing more vari­a­tions quick­er and more effi­cient­ly. It offers a scal­able archi­tec­ture that can han­dle sin­gle-line and com­plex mul­ti-line pal­letiz­ing, as well as sin­gle and mul­ti­ple work­cells. Pal­let­Solver pro­vides sup­port for smart con­vey­ors and offers label place­ment flex­i­bil­i­ty. Col­li­sions with sur­round­ing equip­ment are avoid­ed with specif­i­cal­ly designed inter­fer­ence zones that can lim­it arm move­ment based on your needs.

To fur­ther enhance the ver­sa­til­i­ty, mul­ti­ple grip­per types can be used (fork, vac­u­um, clamp, bag) and dynam­ic grip­per zones enable flex­i­bil­i­ty for han­dling var­i­ous prod­uct sizes. It is very adapt­able for var­i­ous end-of-line pro­cess­ing require­ments such as sin­gle in-feed to mul­ti­ple build sta­tions or sin­gle in-feed with mul­ti­ple prod­ucts to mul­ti­ple build sta­tions. Pal­let­Solver can also accom­mo­date vir­tu­al­ly unlim­it­ed SKUs (stock keep­ing units).

Anoth­er great ben­e­fit that Pal­let­Solver brings to the pro­duc­tion line is the abil­i­ty to increase uptime by enabling quick prod­uct changeovers. This robot soft­ware allows work­ers to gen­er­ate pat­terns offline and changeover pat­terns for the pal­letiz­ing sys­tem with­out hav­ing to stop pro­duc­tion to val­i­date the change. This means that prod­ucts are pal­letized and prepped for ship­ping faster as well. This occurs because of two components: 

  • Pal­let­Solver-PC (offline) — This com­po­nent offers devel­op­ment of pal­let pat­tern gen­er­a­tion and cell definition.
  • Pal­let­Solver-Online — the online con­troller-based car­ries through with the actu­al exe­cu­tion and opti­miza­tion of the pal­letiz­ing operations.

All in all, by invest­ing in soft­ware like Pal­let­Solver by Motoman, a man­u­fac­tur­er is going to see the pal­letiz­ing they’ve come to expect from Motoman, with addi­tion­al bonus­es of a faster, more stream­lined application.

If you are inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about Pal­let­Solver or oth­er appli­ca­tion soft­ware from Motoman then you should con­tact the rep­re­sen­ta­tives at Robots​.com. Our staff will work with you to help you build and cus­tomize your per­fect robot­ic sys­tem, while also get­ting you the best deals on soft­ware and oth­er fea­tures. For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact the experts at Robots​.com today, online or at 8777626881.

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