Box and Bag Palletizing with the Fanuc M-410iC/185

Apr 15, 2014

Robotic palletizing is used in production lines across the globe, reducing stress-related injuries on human workers. Fanuc is a world leader in industrial robots as seen with the M-410iC/185 robot. The M-410iC can bring increased flexibility, accuracy, and speed while also decreasing worker injuries.


Robot­ic pal­letiz­ing is a com­mon automa­tion appli­ca­tion that is used in fac­to­ries all over the world to cut down on stress-relat­ed injuries. Fanuc Robot­ics, a world leader in automa­tion tech­nol­o­gy, has pro­duced a new pal­letiz­ing robot, the M‑410iC/​185, which can help to decrease these work­er injuries, while also bring­ing an increase in flex­i­bil­i­ty, accu­ra­cy and speed to the application.

When work­ers are bend­ing and twist­ing all day to load bags and box­es onto pal­lets for trans­port, they are at a high­er risk for stress-relat­ed injuries to the back, arms and even knees that come with repet­i­tive activ­i­ties. This kind of issue is not a prob­lem for the Fanuc M410iC/​185. With a pay­load capac­i­ty of 185kg, this robot pal­letiz­er can lift box­es and bags and place them onto pal­lets 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with­out the risk if injury.

Not only can the M‑410iC 185 reduce work-relat­ed injuries, but it also brings a high­er speed to the end-of-line appli­ca­tions. The speed at which the M‑410iC-185 works is sev­er­al times faster than any man­u­al appli­ca­tion, and it stacks prod­ucts with an accu­ra­cy that can­not be matched by human work­ers. This means that prod­ucts are less like­ly to shift and be dam­aged dur­ing trans­port, which saves the man­u­fac­tur­er on mon­ey lost due to dam­aged or defec­tive goods, as well as the mon­ey that was saved on labor and pro­duc­tion costs.

Does the Fanuc M 410iC/​185 piqué your inter­est? Does it seem like the per­fect pal­letiz­er for your pro­duc­tion line? If so, you should call Robots​.com, a cer­ti­fied inte­gra­tor for Fanuc Robot­ics. Robots​.com will help you to cus­tomize and pur­chase a Fanuc M410iC/​185, trans­form­ing it into the per­fect sys­tem for your work­place and budget.

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881.

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