Critical Uses for Dispensing Robots

Jul 4, 2013

Robotic dispensing is critical for dispensing applications as it brings amazing precision, accuracy, and efficiency to the production line. Dispensing robots are easy to integrate and use, making them imperative for assembly and manufacturing processes today.


Dis­pens­ing automa­tion is crit­i­cal for time effi­cien­cy and prod­uct pre­ci­sion. Robots can dis­pense a wide vari­ety of mate­ri­als, sav­ing their users time, mon­ey, and the tedi­um of a monot­o­nous, poten­tial­ly haz­ardous, process.

Dis­pens­ing robots are cru­cial for many assem­bly and man­u­fac­tur­ing process­es. Flu­id dis­pens­ing, from inline to batch­ing, can be achieved using a robot. Robots can dis­pense sealants, adhe­sives, coat­ings, gas­kets, inks, and sol­der paste, to name a few. The motion con­trol in an auto­mat­ed sys­tem allows easy pro­gram­ming of dots, stripes, arcs, or pat­terns on dif­fer­ent planes. Dis­pens­ing is not lim­it­ed to flu­id, how­ev­er. For exam­ple, large vats of con­crete may need to be moved from one loca­tion to anoth­er, or dis­pensed. Some com­pa­nies need wire or tape to be dis­pensed. Even some­thing as minute as DNA genet­ic mate­r­i­al can be dis­pensed using an auto­mat­ed sys­tem. Regard­less of the mate­r­i­al, robot­ic dis­pens­ing increas­es accu­ra­cy and decreas­es time spent dispensing. 

One of the lead­ing uses of dis­pens­ing sys­tems is for med­ica­tions. A dis­pens­ing device does not only fill pre­scrip­tions, but also dis­pens­es the med­ica­tions in the prop­er amount. Robot­ic dis­pens­ing reduces human error like acci­den­tal­ly grab­bing the wrong med­i­cine, or pro­vid­ing the med­i­cine in the incor­rect amount. Not only is human error reduced, but also, the human fac­tor is increased. Instead of stand­ing in the back fill­ing pre­scrip­tions, the phar­ma­cist can be in the front, talk­ing with the cus­tomer about his med­ical needs. The robots can han­dle the prod­uct while the phar­ma­cist han­dles the peo­ple, increas­ing cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion. Also, robot­ic dis­pens­ing improves effi­cien­cy in a busy phar­ma­cy by speed­ing the process of fill­ing and retriev­ing med­i­cine, and cuts costs simultaneously. 

No mat­ter what the robot dis­pens­ing automa­tion sys­tem is used for, it will ben­e­fit the user. Robots​.com pro­vides Inte­gra­tion-Ready Motoman, Fanuc, Motoman, and KUKA robots. We car­ry a large vari­ety of dis­pens­ing robots. If you would like to learn more or pur­chase a dis­pens­ing robot, con­tact us at 8777626881.

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