Food and Beverage at the "End of the Line"

Jun 15, 2013

The food and beverage industries have lots of robotic options available to increase their production and meet the unique needs of their customers. The end of arm tooling can be customized per application, allowing each user to find the perfect robot for their specific needs.


As the pop­u­la­tion grows, the need for food and bev­er­ages becomes more sub­stan­tial. The food and bev­er­age indus­try needs to use every means nec­es­sary to speed up their pro­duc­tion and keep their lines rolling along smooth­ly to keep up with their competition.

Almost every prod­uct in the food and bev­er­age indus­try is stacked on a pal­let at the end of the pro­duc­tion line for ship­ping pur­pos­es. These prod­ucts are shipped to stores all over the Unit­ed States and world­wide. With the use of grip­pers and robot­ic pal­letiz­ers, man­u­fac­tur­ers are able to move their prod­ucts at a faster rate while keep­ing every­thing intact.

As the indus­try has start­ed to switch from man­u­al to robot pal­letiz­ing, robots are being inte­grat­ed to meet the unique needs of the cus­tomers. With the advance­ment of robot­ic grip­pers, even the most unique pack­ag­ing can be picked up with­out an issue at the end of the line.

Due to the wide vari­ety of car­tons that are used in the food and bev­er­age indus­try, the pal­letiz­ing robots have to be fit accord­ing­ly with the appro­pri­ate end-of-arm-tool­ing. Some are fit­ted with grip­pers, such as claw grip­pers”, that close around a box, pick it up and place it on a pallet.

Oth­ers are fit with vac­u­um grip­pers that suc­tion onto an item. Even small­er grip­pers are used when nec­es­sary, depend­ing on the size of the pack­age and its con­tents. This comes into play in the bev­er­age indus­try when glass bot­tles are being used. These bot­tles are now made of lighter weight mate­ri­als and not as strong as past bottles.

Anoth­er instance would be pick­ing up bagged items. Some bags may be stur­dier than oth­ers, but to reduce spillage, robot­ic pal­letiz­ing grip­pers have to be big enough to enclose the entire bag.

While the robot grip­pers are impor­tant, it is just as impor­tant that the robots be prepped for the some­times extreme con­di­tions that come with the food indus­try. The pal­letiz­ing of frozen food is a good example.

Robots can be pre­pared with spe­cial coat­ings and inner work­ings so that they can work in freez­ing tem­per­a­tures with­out being dam­aged or freez­ing up. This comes in handy when work­ing for hours with the hun­dreds of frozen food brand names that line neigh­bor­hood freez­er cases.

Robots​.com works with sev­er­al dif­fer­ent man­u­fac­tur­ers to fit Motoman, KUKA, ABB, Uni­ver­sal Robots, and Fanuc pal­letiz­ing robots with the prop­er end-of-arm-tool­ing for the job. Whether pick­ing up a box, a car­ton, bag, or pail, the pal­letiz­ing robot can be fit with the prop­er tool­ing for the job you need done. It can also be altered to fit your unique work envi­ron­ment specifications.

If you are ready to start automat­ing your food or bev­er­age items at the end of your pro­duc­tion line, con­tact Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881. Our engi­neers and design­ers will work with you to come up with a cus­tom food and bev­er­age robot­ic pal­letiz­er to meet your unique needs.

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