Getting a grip on bag grippers

Nov 13, 2018

​Choosing the perfect robotic gripper for your automation process will ensure it is done with precision and speed. can help customize or find a pre-engineered robotic bag gripper for your production needs. Depending on your application's product size, shape, weight, orientation, and handling requirements, the engineers at are ready to help get the job done.

Need help pal­letiz­ing bags of mulch, grain, pot­ting soil, etc.? Wor­ried about punc­tur­ing the bag and com­pro­mis­ing the prod­uct? Want to improve your stack­ing speed and stop break­ing your back? There are great pal­letiz­ing robot and grip­per options avail­able to take care of this spe­cif­ic task. Choos­ing the right robot­ic bag grip­per to auto­mate your process is impor­tant and Robots​.com is here to help. 

The most com­mon bag grip­per design has two large jaws with sev­er­al prongs on either side that close ver­ti­cal­ly and cra­dles the bag to lift it up. It impor­tant to know the size, shape, and weight when assess­ing bag grip­pers. How a prod­uct is picked up is most like­ly not the same as being laid back down, under­stand­ing those han­dling require­ments can pre­vent headaches after installation. 

Using a con­vey­or sys­tem? Not a prob­lem! There are mul­ti­ple ways to set up a bag grip­per to fit into track or pal­let slots appro­pri­ate­ly. The cra­dles, or fin­gers, can then slide under the bag, great­ly reduces risk of punc­tur­ing the bag.

Robots​.com is capa­ble of cus­tom design­ing a bag grip­per to fit unique pal­letiz­ing tasks. There are also pre-engi­neered options from mul­ti­ple man­u­fac­tur­ers that can be imple­ment­ed on the end of the robot arm. 

Prod­ucts can be pal­letized in var­i­ous ori­en­ta­tions and stack­ing pat­terns, with incred­i­ble accu­ra­cy, to increase the amount of prod­uct that can be stacked with­out dam­ag­ing the goods. Pal­letiz­ing robots can also improve the speed at which prod­ucts can be posi­tioned, and don’t for­get it great­ly improves employ­ee work­ing environments. 

Look­ing into pal­letiz­ing robots? You can check out our pal­letiz­ing appli­ca­tion page, or we have list­ed some of the most pop­u­lar robots used for pal­letiz­ing appli­ca­tions. We have both new and recon­di­tioned robots, ready to integrate. 

Check out a recent project involv­ing a pal­let dis­penser, pal­letiz­ing robot, con­vey­or sys­tem, and plas­tic wrap pack­ag­ing for ship­ment:

Our robot­ic inte­gra­tion expe­ri­ence has includ­ed many pal­letiz­ing robots with spe­cial­ized end effec­tors, such a bag grip­pers. We car­ry a large vari­ety of pal­letiz­ers to include new or refur­bished robots. All refur­bished robots go through a rig­or­ous inspec­tion and recon­di­tion­ing process to restore the robot to like-new con­di­tion. These used pal­letiz­ing robots allow for cheap­er options, while still pre­serv­ing the integri­ty of the system.

For more infor­ma­tion about bag grip­pers or pal­letiz­ing robots, con­tact us here or call us at 8777626881.

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