Grasping at straws – and other materials

Jul 16, 2013

Servo-electric grippers enable the ability to control the amount of force when picking up specific robots. This helps to increase productivity and decrease any damage to the product as you can make it as customized as necessary. There are a variety of things you can control in reference to grippers such as the control of position, the control of force, the grip, the energy savings, and the cleanliness.


When look­ing at robot­ic grip­pers, none may be more fas­ci­nat­ing than ser­vo grip­pers. Ser­vo-elec­tric grip­pers are some­what relat­ed to oth­er claw and pneu­mat­ic grip­pers, but they are more human-like. This gives the ser­vo grip­per an abil­i­ty to con­trol the amount of force used when pick­ing up objects.

There are sev­er­al advan­tages to using a ser­vo-elec­tric grip­per over oth­er sim­i­lar claw robot­ic grip­pers cur­rent­ly on the market.

  • Con­trol of posi­tion: The posi­tion of the ser­vo grip­per can be defined and con­trolled. It does not have to com­plete its full range of motion with every oper­a­tion. It can have vary­ing degrees of motion, depend­ing on the items it is handling.
  • Con­trol of force: Since the grip­per has bet­ter con­trol avail­able for its motion, it can also con­trol the force and speed at which it works. This can help the robot­ic ser­vo grip­per go from one mate­r­i­al tol­er­ance to anoth­er with­out hav­ing to reprogram.
  • Grip: Because of the encod­ed motors used by a ser­vo-elec­tric grip­per, the robot can detect when an item has been picked up by the end effec­tor. Many man­u­fac­tur­ers find this help­ful in error-proof­ing their production.
  • Ener­gy saver: Because there are no air lines in the ser­vo-elec­tric grip­pers, there is a decrease in pro­duc­tion costs.
  • Clean­li­ness: In clean­room appli­ca­tions, ser­vo-elec­tric grip­pers may be the only choice. Air lines in oth­er grip­pers may cause con­t­a­m­i­na­tion if they leak.

With so many com­pa­nies switch­ing from oth­er grip­pers to ser­vo-elec­tric grip­pers, it is just a mat­ter of time before these grip­pers are the most com­mon end effec­tor on the market.

For more infor­ma­tion about automat­ing with Robots​.com, con­tact us today online or at 8777626881.

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