High Speed Fanuc Picking Robot

Sep 1, 2013

Fanuc's M-430iA is a 5-axis, high speed, robot that accomplishes high speed picking and packing operations. The M-430iA has an IP67 rating which means it can withstand food washdown and acidic or alkaline cleaners. It has one of the best speeds in its class and best in class wrist movement as well.


Fanucs M‑430iA/​2F is a rev­o­lu­tion­ary high-speed pick­ing and pack­ing robot. Its design is opti­mal for sus­tained pick­ing to meet the needs of the food indus­try. It is equipped for both pri­ma­ry (unpack­aged) and sec­ondary (pack­aged) food han­dling.

The M‑430iA is a 5‑axis elec­tric ser­vo-dri­ven robot sup­port­ed by the intel­li­gent robot con­trol sys­tem. It works with Fanucs intel­li­gent visu­al track­ing for high ‑speed pick­ing and pack­ing operations.

The robot can with­stand food wash­down and acidic or alka­line clean­ers used in wash­down (rat­ing of IP67). It is resis­tant to bac­te­ria growth and rust, and it is man­u­fac­tured with food-grade grease and parts. It can be mount­ed in a vari­ety of posi­tions and is flex­i­ble in tight work­spaces. It boasts the best speed in class at high pay­load and the best-in-class wrist move­ment. It has a large work enveloped with 1130 mm reach and a 2 kg capacity.

While designed with the food indus­try in mind, the M‑430iA can pick prod­ucts like food, bev­er­ages, can­dy, med­ical sup­plies, cos­met­ics, house­hold prod­ucts, office sup­plies, and more.

Robots​.com offers var­i­ous types of high-speed pick­ing robots. If you would like to dis­cuss which one is right for your fac­to­ry, please con­tact us today online or at 8777626881.

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