How to Enhance Your Part Transfer Process with Motoman Robotics

Dec 16, 2014

Almost every form of manufacturing can benefit from a part transfer robot. Motoman robotics have created excellent part transfer robotic options, taking over laborious jobs and enhancing the part transfer process. Motoman part transfer robots bring great speeds without needing a break, they can work several times faster than the manual process.


Part trans­fer is one of those process­es that is nec­es­sary in almost every form of man­u­fac­tur­ing, but it can also be the most bor­ing and tedious. It is lit­er­al­ly trans­fer­ring a part from one place to anoth­er. That is why robots, like those built by Motoman Robot­ics, are now step­ping in to take over these labo­ri­ous jobs. With a Motoman part trans­fer robot, your com­pa­ny will be able to enhance your part trans­fer process, while also improv­ing the skills of your workers.

One of the most impor­tant issues when it comes to part trans­fer is speed. A human work­er can only move parts from one place to anoth­er so quick­ly, and they are con­strained by the way their body moves and the fatigue that can build up over a stan­dard shift. A Motoman robot­ic part trans­fer sys­tem is not plagued by the same issues that hold human work­ers back from improv­ing their speed. A part trans­fer robot­ic sys­tem from Motoman can work sev­er­al times faster than the man­u­al process, and it does not need breaks, days off, or sick time. This ensures that you will get the best pro­duc­tiv­i­ty your com­pa­ny has ever seen.

But, it’s not just about the speed – it’s also about the work­ers. Part trans­fer robots from Motoman are becom­ing eas­i­er and eas­i­er to pro­gram and oper­ate. This means that the aver­age part trans­fer work­er could learn the skills nec­es­sary to oper­ate a robot with­in a few days, or even hours, giv­ing them skills that are high­ly mar­ketable in the man­u­fac­tur­ing world today.

All in all, inte­grat­ing a Motoman part trans­fer robot into you pro­duc­tion line will enhance your part trans­fer oper­a­tions, while also increas­ing morale and sav­ing money.

Are you inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about part trans­fer robots from Motoman Robot­ics? Then you should call Robots​.com pro­vides robots from sev­er­al dif­fer­ent robot­ics com­pa­nies, includ­ing Motoman Robot­ics. Our staff will work with you to ensure that you get the best robot­ic sys­tem for your bud­get and facility.

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881.

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