Improving Safety and Consistency in the Shop for Ramsden Industries – Ontario, Canada

Sep 7, 2015

​Ramsden Industries contacted when they were ready to integrate a robot onto their production line. Ramsden conducts aluminum die casting and wanted to increase their versatility while also bring greater efficiency on their line. The company chose to integrate a reconditioned Fanuc R-2000iB/165F for their production line and could not be happier. The robot has brought premium quality to their production casting, bringing complete consistency.


Rams­den Indus­tries is a com­pa­ny that has been in the alu­minum die cast­ing busi­ness since 1946. They focus on hav­ing vari­ety and ver­sa­til­i­ty in their foundry, which allows them to oper­ate their pro­duc­tion with quick effi­cien­cy. So, where does an alu­minum die cast­ing com­pa­ny go for their automa­tion needs? Well, this time, they came to Robots​.com, a leader in robot­ics integration.

Recent­ly, Rams­den Indus­tries approached Robots​.com to pur­chase a recon­di­tioned Fanuc R‑2000iB/​165F robot sys­tem with an R‑30iA con­troller to help improve the lev­el of safe­ty and con­sis­ten­cy in their shop. We are using this robot to pour a pre­mi­um qual­i­ty, hi pro­duc­tion cast­ing that requires absolute con­sis­ten­cy with pours,” stat­ed Tyler Orchard of Rams­den Indus­tries. This can only be achieved using a robot.” Orchard went on to say that one of the many ben­e­fits of the robot was that there would be less alu­minum burn relat­ed injuries as a result of remov­ing the oper­a­tor from the process – one that can be dan­ger­ous for humans. 

This is the first com­plete­ly refur­bished robot that Rams­den Indus­tries has pur­chased. Orchard stat­ed the sys­tem was excel­lent, and that he was very sat­is­fied with the lev­el of cus­tomer ser­vice he received through Robots​.com, as well as say­ing he would rec­om­mend Robots​.com to oth­ers. Bark­er stat­ed some of the ben­e­fits of pur­chas­ing from Robots​.com was prox­im­i­ty to their Ontario facil­i­ty, as well as speed and pro­fes­sion­al­ism when answer­ing ques­tions. The qual­i­ty of the refur­bished robot is very high as well,” he stated. 

Are you inter­est­ed in pur­chas­ing a new or refur­bished robot with the same lev­el of ease and pro­fes­sion­al­ism? Then you should con­tact Robots​.com today at 8777626881, and speak to a mem­ber of our sales team. 

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