Laying Down the Powder – Motoman Coating Robots

Jan 13, 2015

​​The coating process is one of the most important finishing applications on your production line. Motoman coating robots can ensure that your coating is done quickly and effectively, while also cutting down on wastes. Motoman coating robots are very accurate and a powder coat helps to extend the life helping your company to save money.


When you are man­u­fac­tur­ing parts made of met­al plas­tic, the coat­ing process can be one of the most impor­tant fin­ish­ing appli­ca­tions on your pro­duc­tion line. Motoman Robot­ics has tak­en this into account, and they have devel­oped a line of coat­ing robots that can pro­vide man­u­fac­tur­ers with a con­sis­tent coat­ing that cuts down on waste and saves money.

Accord­ing to Motoman, their coat­ing robot sys­tems are flex­i­ble and per­form at a high rate, while also increas­ing con­sis­ten­cy and through­put. Motoman coat­ing robots are used exten­sive­ly in the indus­tri­al, auto­mo­tive, and aero­space indus­tries to pro­tect the met­al and plas­tic prod­ucts being pro­duced. Met­al and plas­tic prod­ucts that are not coat­ed can be worn down by the exter­nal ele­ments around them, caus­ing their struc­tures to be com­pro­mised or break down. By using a pow­der coat­ing to cov­er these mate­ri­als, the life of the prod­uct is lengthened.

Anoth­er ben­e­fit of using coat­ing robot­ic sys­tems from Motoman is the con­sis­ten­cy and effi­cien­cy with which the coat­ings are applied. These robot­ic sys­tems can effec­tive­ly and con­sis­tent­ly coat parts that are almost any size or shape, even when the part is curved or con­toured, with­out miss­ing spots or over-coat­ing in some spots – which can be an issue for man­u­al coat­ing oper­a­tions. This lev­el of con­sis­ten­cy cuts down on the amount of mate­r­i­al the Motoman robot­ic coat­ing sys­tem needs to use, which saves com­pa­nies mon­ey on coat­ing materials.

Are you inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about Motoman coat­ing robot sys­tems and how they can improve your coat­ing func­tions? If so, con­tact Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881. Our staff will work with you to help you find the best coat­ing sys­tem avail­able for your facil­i­ty, appli­ca­tion, and budget.

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