Looking into the Future with Vision Robot Software

Jun 20, 2013

Robotic vision software is allowing manufacturers to further increase the accuracy and precision of their products with added cameras and sensors. The vision software from companies such as Fanuc and Motoman bring to the table iRVision and MotoSight, respectively, to enhance the overall product quality and precision.


Although robots can’t fix their make­up and hair in the mir­ror, the lat­est tech­nolo­gies are allow­ing them to see.” Vision robot soft­ware per­mits robots to locate parts to be picked up and fig­ure out where to put that part down, on the sim­plest lev­el. Depend­ing on the user’s needs, whether sim­ple or more com­plex, there are plen­ty of options for robot vision soft­ware available.

Fanuc’s break­through tech­nol­o­gy iRVi­sion comes with sev­er­al options: 2D Sin­gle, 2D Mul­ti­ple (in which an option­al cam­era mul­ti­plex­er is added), 3D Sin­gle (equipped with a 3DL Sin­gle-Sen­sor Sys­tem), and 3D Mul­ti-Sen­sor for 2D and 3D pro­cess­ing. iRVi­sion uses Geo­met­ric Pat­tern Match­ing for object loca­tion, and the pos­si­bil­i­ties with this soft­ware are endless.

Fanuc also offers 2DVision Guid­ance soft­ware, which is ide­al­ly used to move the robot to the loca­tion of the part. 3DL Vision Guid­ance soft­ware projects lasers to find parts regard­less of their posi­tion or ori­en­ta­tion. Visu­al Line Track­ing soft­ware will encour­age the robot to pick prod­ucts from a mov­ing con­vey­or. Vision Guid­ed Depal­letiz­ing con­sists of a 2D cam­era sys­tem that can eval­u­ate the size of parts for pick­ing, pack­ing, or pal­letiz­ing.

Motoman has also devel­oped sev­er­al vision soft­ware options. Moto­Sight 2D fea­tures a Cognex In-Sight Micro Cam­era and is used for robot guid­ance, error proof­ing, part iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and inspec­tion, and pick­ing. Moto­Sight 2D with MotoPick will locate parts that are ran­dom­ly ori­ent­ed on a mov­ing con­vey­or. Moto­Sight 3D Cor­texVi­sion makes the use of 3D Vision in robot­ic guid­ance sim­ple, and is suit­ed well for pre­cise part loca­tion. No cal­i­bra­tion is required, and the self-learn­ing tech­nol­o­gy can auto­mat­i­cal­ly adjust the posi­tion of the cam­era to locate parts. Moto­Sight 3D Spa­tial Vision uses scal­able 3D vision guid­ance. This soft­ware is per­fect for find­ing box­es in a 3D space and pal­letiz­ing or depal­letiz­ing them.

Robot­ic Vision Tech­nolo­gies cre­at­ed eVi­sion­Fac­to­ry, which com­bines a sin­gle cam­era 3D tech­nol­o­gy with Ran­dom Bin Pick­ing and Vision Guid­ed Robot­ic tech­nolo­gies. Robot guid­ance and visu­al recog­ni­tion with the newest 6.5 ver­sion of eVi­sion­Fac­to­ry is ide­al for man­u­fac­tur­ing, sit­u­a­tion­al aware­ness, mate­r­i­al han­dling, and more.

Skil­li­gent Robot Vision Sys­tem is soft­ware that employs object track­ing algo­rithms with sig­nif­i­cant object recog­ni­tion. Once an object has been rec­og­nized, the soft­ware keeps it in an indexed struc­ture for reduced search time.

Robo­Re­alm is robot vision soft­ware that can be used with not only robot­ic vision sys­tems, but com­put­er vision and image analy­sis as well. A USB web­cam and a PC are all the user needs to add vision to robot­ic projects. The soft­ware allows the user to view the robot’s envi­ron­ment, process the image, deter­mine the next step to take, and send the appro­pri­ate sig­nal to the robot, which can track objects, nav­i­gate as nec­es­sary and avoid obsta­cles in its path.

While self-aware robots are fur­ther into the future, the val­ue of vision soft­ware is appar­ent. Robots​.com does have vision soft­ware avail­able with par­tic­u­lar robot sys­tems. Con­tact us today to start incor­po­rat­ing vision into your factory.

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com online or at 8777626881.

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