Molding and Metal in Dayton, Ohio

Oct 28, 2013

Dayton, Ohio is home to molding and metal companies that benefit greatly by automating their production line. Molding and metal robots bring incredible precision and accuracy using very specific end effectors.


Day­ton, Ohio is home to one of the only mil­i­tary bases in Ohio – Wright-Pat­ter­son Air Force Base. With the defense depart­ment so close­ly linked to the area, as well as the rich man­u­fac­tur­ing tra­di­tion in Ohio over­all, man­u­fac­tur­ers in Day­ton depend on robot­ics to con­tin­ue to expand and improve their busi­ness­es year after year.

Day­ton com­pa­nies like Mosh­er Machine and Tool and Man­cor Indus­tries prove that com­pa­nies large and small can ben­e­fit from robot­ic automa­tion. The machin­ing and tool­ing indus­try ben­e­fits high­ly from robot­ics because of the great pre­ci­sion and accu­ra­cy that is brought to the table by a robot­ic end effec­tor. Unlike a man­u­al machin­ing appli­ca­tion, a robot­ic appli­ca­tion rules almost any error, and is quick­er than any human work­er. This increas­es the speed of pro­duc­tion, while also improv­ing the qual­i­ty of the product.

Com­pa­nies like Man­cor can use robots for weld­ing, assem­bly, debur­ring, grind­ing, paint­ing and any oth­er appli­ca­tion that may be need­ed to form their spe­cial­ized met­al parts. Also, by using robot­ics, com­pa­nies like these keep human work­ers away from the dan­ger­ous fumes and par­ti­cles that are some­times released dur­ing met­al working.

But, it’s not just Day­ton met­al com­pa­nies that are ben­e­fit­ing from the use of robot­ics. Their plas­tics indus­try is boom­ing with robot automa­tion as well. Com­pa­nies like Encon that make pre­formed plas­tics, and Day­tom Mold­ed Ure­thanes, which spe­cial­izes in plas­tics for auto­mo­biles and indus­tri­al usage, can use robots for their injec­tion mold­ing process­es, as well as load­ing and unload­ing, part trans­fer, and pack­ag­ing.

Day­ton, Ohio com­pa­nies that need robot­ic sys­tems and parts can turn to inte­gra­tors like Robots​.com for all their robot needs. Robots​.com pro­vides automa­tion solu­tions from Fanuc, ABB, Motoman, Uni­ver­sal Robots, and KUKA robot­ics with access to hun­dreds of robot mod­els. If you are look­ing to auto­mate your shop, and you need a high­ly-skilled staff of engi­neers and tech­ni­cians to help you do it, con­tact Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881.

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