MotoLogix: A Revolutionary Software

Sep 24, 2016

IMotoLogix is the perfect solution for your production line as it is easy to install and use with your current automation system. MotoLogix enables sufficient control of your robots and a high-performance product to help increase the overall efficiency of the start-up process. Overall, integrating MotoLogix onto your production line will help to save you money and time.

Motoman MotoLogix Software

MotoLogix is a new, rev­o­lu­tion­ary soft­ware and hard­ware inter­face that can con­trol DX200 Motoman robots via a Pro­gram­ma­ble Log­ic Con­troller, or PLC. The inte­gra­tion of MotoLogix into the PLC offers the full advan­tages of the robot con­troller, but pro­vides a more sim­pli­fied process. No longer will pro­gram­ming, oper­a­tion, and main­te­nance of robots and machine con­trol be car­ried out separately.

Until the arrival of MotoLogix, pro­gram­ming, con­trol, and error elim­i­na­tion for the machine and robot had to be car­ried out sep­a­rate­ly. The machine and robot were pro­grammed and oper­at­ed sep­a­rate­ly from one anoth­er via the PLC and the robot con­trol, using a teach pen­dant. Addi­tion­al­ly, the source of fail­ure was dif­fi­cult to dis­cov­er to help elim­i­nate errors quick­ly, and eas­i­ly. This meant that the oper­at­ing per­son­nel had to be trained in inter­na­tion­al PLC stan­dards and acquire spe­cif­ic skills. MotoLogix offers the abil­i­ty to remove the teach pen­dant and any pre­vi­ous robot oper­a­tion knowl­edge from the equation. 

The robot is con­nect­ed and direct­ly embed­ded in the PLC and the Human Machine Inter­face (HMI) via MotoLogix. All data can be saved in the PLC with­out any stor­age lim­its and can be test­ed using vir­tu­al­iza­tion. The HMI can also eas­i­ly graph­i­cal­ly dis­play data, mak­ing it is pos­si­ble to dis­play indi­vid­ual items such as the com­pa­ny logo or appli­ca­tion-spe­cif­ic processes.

Objec­tives: MotoLogix was designed for two main objectives: 

  • To enable OEM’s to deeply inte­grate the Motoman robot sys­tems in their PLC con­trolled machinery.
  • To pro­vide easy pro­gram­ming, com­mis­sion­ing, teach­ing, and oper­at­ing of the robots, with­out any spe­cial­ized knowledge.

Com­po­nents: There are two com­po­nents to the software:

  • MotoLogix Run­time: Enables the MotoLogix inter­face on the DX200 robot con­troller, using the field bus of your choice for com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the PLC. There is no teach pen­dant nor pri­or knowl­edge required.
  • MotoLogix PLC Library: Easy to use, com­pre­hen­sive set of func­tion blocks for writ­ing your robot appli­ca­tion log­ic in the PLC. The inter­face has a library of func­tion blocks already pre­pared in all lan­guage options, so oper­at­ing per­son­nel can work direct­ly via the library; Bit sequences for ser­vos are no longer required.

Easy Start-Up:

The path con­trol is main­tained via the robot con­troller DX200, ensur­ing the nor­mal ben­e­fits are retained, in par­tic­u­lar motion pre­ci­sion and speed sta­bil­i­ty. Noth­ing else is required for the ini­tial start-up. The robot and all of its periph­er­al equip­ment (grip­per, sen­sors, etc) is con­troller and oper­at­ed direct­ly via PLC. With MotoLogix, the robot con­trol­ling can occur by means of touch pan­els with an easy visu­al­iza­tion and intu­itive user interface.


The pre­cise, high motion qual­i­ty of the robot is main­tained for a vari­ety of appli­ca­tions such as machine load­ing, pick-and-place, pack­ag­ing, pal­letiz­ing, mea­sur­ing, test­ing and sorting. 

Sup­port­ed PLC brands: 

VIPA, Rock­well, B&R, Siemens S7-300, Siemens S7-1500

It is now appar­ent that MotoLogix is the per­fect, flex­i­ble solu­tion for the needs of your indus­try. Sim­ple inte­gra­tion of robot con­trol in the PLC pays off not just when oper­at­ing com­plex pro­duc­tion facil­i­ties. With MotoLogix, PLC skills are suf­fi­cient to be able to con­trol robots. This means that search­ing for per­son­nel with robot train­ing or invest­ing in retrain­ing is no longer nec­es­sary; Motoman robots can be oper­at­ed in the same con­di­tions all over the world.

The inter­face tru­ly offers an inno­v­a­tive and high-per­for­mance prod­uct that enables Motoman robots to be pro­grammed quick­ly and con­trolled with stan­dard pro­gram­ming lan­guages. It also helps to increase the effi­cien­cy of the start-up process and offers users an inno­v­a­tive way to con­trol all-axes in a coor­di­nat­ed robot motion.

Con­tact Robots​.com experts to dis­cuss your options for inte­grat­ing MotoLogix into your pro­duc­tion line. Con­tact us online or give us a call at 8777626881.

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