Motoman's Kinetiq Teaching Program

Aug 20, 2014

Motoman's Kinetiq is a teaching add-on from Robotiq that enables a greater amount of people to program a welding robot. Kinetiq Teaching is a very simple programming strategy to help decrease the amount of time it takes to set up a robot system. The programmer can simply manually place the robot arm at different angles and locations while the robot records the movements.


One of the newest add-on fea­tures for Motoman Robots is the Kine­tiq teach­ing add-on from Robo­t­iq. This is a fea­ture that will enable many more peo­ple to pro­gram a weld­ing robot, aside from a trained robot­ic programmer.

Kine­tiq Teach­ing is a sim­pler pro­gram­ming strat­e­gy that will reduce set up times by allow­ing the pro­gram­mer to man­u­al­ly place the robot arm at dif­fer­ent angles and loca­tions, accord­ing to the Motoman web­site. This pro­gram will allow for eas­i­er robot­ic weld­ing imple­men­ta­tion and gives com­pa­nies a faster return on investment.

Basi­cal­ly, the welder teach­es the robot to move by demon­stra­tion. The welder uses their hand to guide the robot in any direc­tion need­ed dur­ing the weld­ing appli­ca­tion. The Kine­tiq makes it easy to record these weld­ing tra­jec­to­ries, despite the welder’s knowl­edge of pro­gram­ming. By using hand-guid­ed posi­tion­ing, there are few­er crash­es and a reduc­tion in the time it takes to pro­gram the robot, the web­site stat­ed. The robot also records the force, direc­tion and speed at which the hand moves it dur­ing programming.

The Kine­tiq teach­ing screens on the teach pen­dant have graph­ic col­or touch screen dis­plays, along with icons to pro­gram the tasks and vary­ing motion response and speeds avail­able for course positioning.

This inte­grat­ed add-on solu­tion is avail­able on the Motoman Arc­World C work cell, the Arc­World II work cell using the MA1400, and is also avail­able to work with a vari­ety of pow­er sources and torch­es from com­pa­nies like Lin­coln Elec­tric, Fro­nius, Miller, Tre­gaskiss and Binzel.

For more infor­ma­tion about this teach­ing tool, or to learn more about how Robots​.com can work with you to build the best sys­tem for you, con­tact us today online or at 8777626881.

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