Palletizing Robot Software: The brains that control the brawn

Jun 14, 2013

Robotic software for palletizing applications enables the ability to watch the automated process and make tweaks to optimize production. Overall this will save a company time, money, and effort on their automation systems.


While the mod­el, grip­per and mount­ing options on a robot are impor­tant, it is real­ly the soft­ware, the brains, of the robot that make every­thing work. Pal­letiz­ing robot soft­ware devel­op­ments help meet the increas­ing demand of robots on a mass scale.

Pal­letiz­ing robot soft­ware con­trols every­thing the robot does dur­ing an appli­ca­tion. It con­trols when the robot picks up a load to pal­letize, how it moves, where it drops the load, etc.

Fanuc, one of the lead­ing pal­letiz­ing robot man­u­fac­tur­ers in the indus­try, has iRvi­sion soft­ware that can opti­mize pal­letiz­ing appli­ca­tions. This vision soft­ware can load mixed case load pat­terns from ran­dom items and then con­fig­ure them on a ship­ping pallet.

iRvi­sion soft­ware also comes in handy when de-pal­letiz­ing at a product’s des­ti­na­tion. Loads tend to shift dur­ing trans­port, and with the cam­eras avail­able in iRvi­sion, the robot can see” the prod­ucts, search out the changes in the load and de-pal­letize the load.

Motoman, anoth­er lead­ing pal­letiz­ing robot com­pa­ny, fea­tures Easy­Pal­let Pen­dant soft­ware that helps to cre­ate full-fea­tured pal­letiz­ing pro­grams that are user-friend­ly, even for those work­ers who are inex­pe­ri­enced in the field of robotics.

This teach pen­dant user inter­face can per­form sev­er­al tasks like cre­at­ing new box­es, chang­ing tools, adding and sub­tract­ing lay­ers, chang­ing box­es on each lay­er and chang­ing lay­er pat­terns. The soft­ware makes pal­letiz­ing robot sys­tems quick­er and eas­i­er to use than ever before.

Robots​.com can help cus­tomers inte­grate robots and work­cell sys­tems for pal­letiz­ing uti­liz­ing these top-of-the-line soft­ware options. Our engi­neers will work with you to find the per­fect sys­tem to meet your exact appli­ca­tion specifications.

For more infor­ma­tion about pal­letiz­ing soft­ware and sys­tems, con­tact Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881.

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