Picking the right robot picking software

Jun 18, 2013

Industrial picking robots have terrific software packages available to assist the robot in the task of perfecting the pick and place application. The pick and place software will help to increase speeds and production quality and is available from most of the major manufacturers.


Robots have an advan­tage over humans when it comes to repeat­ed­ly pick­ing some­thing up and plac­ing it some­where else. Robots can work tire­less­ly with­out suf­fer­ing from a sore back, unlike their human coun­ter­parts. Pick­ing robot soft­ware was devel­oped to assist the robot in the task of per­form­ing repet­i­tive motions accu­rate­ly and quickly.

Fanucs Pick­Pro is pick­ing offline sim­u­la­tion soft­ware. Pick­Pro, new 3D soft­ware, allows users to devel­op their own work cells from scratch by using the New Work­cell Wiz­ard. This saves the user time that can be con­sumed when devel­op­ing a work­cell.

ABB designed Pick­Mas­ter soft­ware for this explic­it pur­pose. Pick­Mas­ter is a PC-based soft­ware that uses graph­i­cal inter­faces. The impres­sive appli­ca­tions allow up to eight robots to work as a group along con­vey­or belts with min­i­mal risks. The soft­ware is com­prised of a pow­er­ful vision iden­ti­fi­ca­tion sys­tem, as well as a track­ing process and inspec­tion tools. Specif­i­cal­ly, Pick­Mas­ter 3 has a notable track record for the past six years with pick­ing robots. It has an inte­grat­ed vision sys­tem, yet is not lim­it­ed to its own sys­tem; it can com­mu­ni­cate with any exter­nal sen­sor as well.

Uni­ver­sal Robot­ics devel­oped Spa­tial Vision Robot­ics Soft­ware to focus on sens­ing, con­trol, and intel­li­gence dur­ing the pick­ing process. The soft­ware is com­pat­i­ble with any robot and with a wide vari­ety of dif­fer­ent types of sen­sors. There are three res­o­lu­tions: stan­dard, enhanced, and pre­mi­um, so the user can tai­lor the type of res­o­lu­tion to the work he needs to accom­plish. After the cam­eras and sen­sors are cal­i­brat­ed, Spa­tial Vision Robot­ics soft­ware trans­fers 3D input to the robot. It obtains a 3D view of the box­es to be picked, detects the parts, selects the parts to be moved, and mon­i­tors the robot motion as it places the part. 

Coor­di­nat­ing with this soft­ware is Uni­ver­sal Robot­ics’ cut­ting-edge appli­ca­tion Ran­dom Bin Pick­ing. It was devel­oped because typ­i­cal vision approach­es can­not detect dif­fer­ent parts in a ran­dom pile, or how to pick them up. This appli­ca­tion allows the robot to auto­mat­i­cal­ly move ran­dom­ly placed parts, and is not deterred by how deep the stack might be, or how the parts are packed (loose or tight, on the floor or in a box, etc).

Save mon­ey, save time, and save your back with this soft­ware designed for pick­ing robots! Robots​.com coor­di­nates with their cus­tomers to find the right type of robot­ic soft­ware for their appli­ca­tion. Con­tact Robots​.com today for more infor­ma­tion online or at 8777626881.

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