Productivity Boosts in Metal and Machining Industries with Universal Robots

Jun 13, 2017

​Universal Robots offer three automated solutions, the UR3, UR5, and the UR10 to enhance your metal and machining industries. Any of these three robot arms from Universal will enhance your productivity and reduce the overall time to market, saving your company time and money. Furthermore, the robot arms by Universal robots are incredible accurate, fast, offer a quick payback, increased safety, and very easy deployment.

Metal and machining automation with Universal Robots

Uni­ver­sal Robots has a unique­ly ver­sa­tile col­lab­o­ra­tive series of robots to offer to the met­al and machin­ing indus­tries. These robots, the UR3, UR5, and UR10 are excep­tion­al; they can tru­ly allow com­pa­nies to be one step ahead of com­peti­tors. Using a robot in the col­lab­o­ra­tive series from Uni­ver­sal Robots will boost your pro­duc­tiv­i­ty while reduc­ing time to market. 

Uni­ver­sal Robot Col­lab­o­ra­tive arms improve the quan­ti­ty and qual­i­ty of your out­put; they make it pos­si­ble for sub­trac­tive man­u­fac­tur­ers to adjust the pro­duc­tion line despite dif­fer­ing process­es, mate­ri­als, and spe­cial­ized prod­ucts. They also bring incred­i­ble accu­ra­cy (up to 0.1mm), fast adap­tion, easy deploy­ment, quick pay­back, and increased safe­ty. These col­lab­o­ra­tive arms from Uni­ver­sal Robots can help reduce the risk of employ­ee injury by tak­ing over the repet­i­tive, back break­ing tasks and the work that is in close prox­im­i­ty to dan­ger­ous machinery.

The ben­e­fits just keep com­ing! Anto­her huge advan­tage of Uni­ver­sal Robots is their flex­i­bil­i­ty and ver­sa­til­i­ty. They can be deployed across the pro­duc­tion line as need­ed, and can adapt to the spe­cif­ic needs of your appli­ca­tions. Any inex­pe­ri­enced work­er can learn, pro­gram, and install these robots incred­i­bly fast, some­times in just a few hours. 

All of these ben­e­fits were seen with a North Amer­i­can based com­pa­ny, Stantræk. This com­pa­ny need­ed to grow with­out hir­ing more peo­ple in their pro­duc­tion process; they were up against very strong com­pe­ti­tion from East­ern Euro­pean coun­tries with very low wage require­ments. So, Stantræk invest­ed in two UR5 robots that quick­ly boost­ed the bot­tom line; in just 5 years, their rev­enue almost dou­bled, from $4M to $7M. There have been zero com­plaints from the employ­ees as they real­ize that the robots play a key role in the rev­enue gen­er­a­tion and have brought the com­pa­ny back to life. Inno­v­a­tive employ­ees have even found ways to eas­i­ly pro­gram them in ways that are more ben­e­fi­cial for the pro­duc­tion line; they sim­ply grab the robot arm and show it the desired motion, thus pro­duc­ing a result that process­es items four times faster than pre­vi­ous­ly done.

For more infor­ma­tion on Uni­ver­sal Robots and to fig­ure out how you can inte­grate them into your busi­ness, con­tact Robot­Wox rep­re­sen­ta­tives online or at 8777626881. Our experts take pride in cus­tomer ser­vice and spend time fig­ur­ing out the best solu­tion for your pro­duc­tion line. 

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